Skeptic Gamer

In my opinion, it’s the tightest Tekken yet. Unfortunately the online portion is completely broken. It’s unacceptable. Until the game gets patched, I recommend you stay far away from this game.  

Tekken is my favorite fighting franchise. Technically, virtual fighter is the greatest, but it bores me.

And yet most games in the current market are designed after Miyamoto. One example is Mario 64.

There hasn’t been a single person that has proven to have more talent that Miyamoto. Until someone can surpass his past accomplishments, he remains top dog in the industry.

In early February, I attend the first event in San Fran. We only had one hat per table as well. The hats play a role in the puzzles and would complicate things if more than one person wore them.

Or they can get some pointers from Monolith Soft. Their games are significantly larger with very little bugs. I didn’t encounter one bug in their last game.

Nope! Just nope... I have an insect phobia. Even a fly. Reptiles don’t bother me a bit. We had a python when I was younger and I would put it around my neck all the time. But a bug? Nope... I would burn the house and then the ashes just to be sure.

I feel the same. I just want to make lock picks. Basically all I can do is water a damn plant once a week.  

Imsoniac is both. Second and Third. A Second party developer that’s also a third party developer. Imsoniac has the freedom to develops games for who ever they want. But when they develop games, they only develop for the one company. They’re a third party developer that becomes a second party developer for

Generally all Second party developers are also third party developers but not all third party developers are second party developers. Example: Wonderful 101 and Ratchet & Clank are second party titles by a third party developer. When Media Molecule created Little Big Planet, it was a third party developer that

Second party developers have a choice on what they want to do. Insomniac Games has always been a third party developer. They chose to solely develop for Sony and have their games published by Sony. Sony probably funded their project and probably own those IP’s. But Insomniac games can develop for any platform at

Rare was a first party developer. Insomniac Games is a 2nd party developer. There’s a big difference. When Nintendo sold Rare, it also sold it’s IP’s. Nintendo could have sold Rare and kept the IP’s (but who would buy Rare without them?)  

Why are these 12y/o trying to date or be in a relationship? Your teens and 20's are for being a whore.

Well said. This is true for every product. Microsoft needs to do something about their home console business. They need games. The Xbox One has been the biggest disappointment. The Wii U had more games than the Xbox One. I think the last game that was released was Sunset Overdrive. Everything else is available

My 5 y/0 PC can easily outperform these specs but it is impressive for a budget platform. The question everyone should be asking is, what will they offer the gaming industry with this new machine? For me personally, Xbox One has been the biggest disappointment. I even upgraded to the One S for a cheap 4k player.

I don’t understand how this could possible make the game less enjoyable. That makes no logical sense. The only rational explanation is that you watch game videos for direction because you’re terrible at playing games. If that’s the case, you probably shouldn’t be playing them in the first place.

The cost of gaming is significantly lower than the 70's, 80's, and 90's. And a bit lower than the ‘00's when you add inflation to the formula. Remember paying $150 for a Neo Geo game? I vividly remember buying Chrono Trigger for $80 + 9.25% tax at Toysrus when it was released. PS1 was $300 in 1995. The Saturn was

I can’t see this being cross-platform for PC and consoles. PC folks will have a clear advantage in Crucible.

I don’t have a bent docking station so my Switch doesn’t get scratched but I still ordered one. They look great!

I don’t have a bent docking station so my Switch doesn’t get scratched but I still ordered one. They look great!

Japan is killing it this year! Do you think this a game of the year contender or is Breath of the Wild taking that title?