Skeptic Gamer

They do have modern hardware. You’re confusing art with power. If the Switch had the same power as a PC, the game would look exactly the same but would run at 60+ fps without any slowdowns, and draw-distance pop-up. I could say the same, about PS4 and Xbox 1. How would their games look like with if they had the

hahahaha this is so true! I can’t stop laughing!

This is the correct business approach and I support it.

This is upsetting. Nintendo deserves $60 for every copy of the game.

Queer folk can get fired from job or evicted from their apartment. Tell me again how they’re equal?

There is no such thing as god. The fact that you believe in this deity and believe in magic makes you an irrational person. You lack critical thinking, reasoning, and logic. Therefore, having a conversation with you is moot.

That was the easiest and shortest of the three shrine missions in the forest. Did it on the first try without a hitch. Three minutes top. I don’t understand the annoyance.

How is building a PC nerve wrecking? Building PC’s is like putting lego’s together. You can’t screw it up. Overclocking is a different story.

LGBT complain about no equality. There is not agenda. The fact that it bothers you means people like you are the problem and they will never be equal. It’s a civil rights movement all over again. When religious people stop being hateful, you’ll see much less of it.

Thank you so much for posting this comment. I was born into a religious cult (pentecostal) and was being molded into a bigot. I was closely watched and was prohibited from ingesting any form of art (music, TV, etc..) unless it was christian. I wasn’t aware of the outside world.

Zelda, more Zelda, and Zelda...

Many people and organizations regarded Ocarina of Time as the greatest game ever developed. Breath of the Wild has surpassed it. So yes, we can safely state that this is the greatest game ever developed.

When it comes to video games? China is not even in the running. Japan has that market. Japan has developed, invented, and innovated more than any other country.

Just like every FPS and Unreal Engine. It’s become the industry standard. Why should they change?

Times have changed. When I was younger, I was obsessed with the manual. Many of them had backstories. I can safely state that I haven’t read one in over a decade.

This! I did this as well. Many games like Mortal Kombat had the character bio’s on the manual. I was obsessed with all their backstories.

That’s how I feel about everything that’s based on magic. Look at christianity. It’s based on a white mage with stories stolen from Greek and Norse mythology. At least wicca seems peaceful. Christianity, Muslim, etc.. is about bigotry and genocide.

Agreed. As an atheist looking from the outer circle, wicca looks like it’s about spirituality and it seems harmless. Christianity on the other hand is about bigotry and genocide.

Next article should be the game developers who are christians. How bigotry and genocide inspire them to develop games.

The Xbox controller is a copy of the Gamecube. Every controller out there is a copy of a Nintendo controller in some way. So no, Nintendo didn’t copy anything.