
I love Jimmy Carter. That’s all I’ve got.

As somebody who grew up in Pennsylvania, here is what I have heard about Joe Paterno for 40 years.

I feel the leadership of Penn State was totally, outrageously attacked over this. I think they’re blameless.

Vehemently disagree. Barack was a savvy campaigner and politician who knew he needed someone that appealed to The MidWest and white people. He knew Biden had the stomach for a long and ugly campaign. Joe is fine as an opening act he falters on his own because he has too many skeletons that can be damaging in a general

Then fucking let them. When are Democrats going to get sick of conditioning everything they do based on how their ideological opponents will react to it?

Confiscation is not a realistic possibility and nobody should be running on it. A ban on sales is probably the best we can hope for.

That girl was in medical school. She only stopped after the woman herself admitted to tricking her? This is why I cant trust doctors

my wife (girlfriend at the time) was sexually assaulted (groped) by a friend who was a PT student practicing massages. She was scared to report it. I encouraged her to go to the hall Priest (Catholic college). The dude who groped her said “she sent me signals she was interested.” Sure, dude. She had to defend her

I don’t think it’s nearly as unusual as you believe it is, and you really ought to educate yourself some more on the psychology of victims before you spout off about what is “typical” or “highly unusual.”

Yeah, I love how he repeatedly claims there’s an “industry” (?!?) for women to steal the money of powerful men. In addition to being a shitty rape apologist, I don’t think he knows the definition of basic words like “industry.”

You mean this one, that doesn’t have the title you claim it does?

Except the headline read “Lawsuit: Antonio Brown Raped Former Trainer” so clearly it stated the allegation made in the lawsuit and was not concluding the truth of anything. I mean, it’s embedded in this article, at least try harder with the bad faith arguments.

I believe in due process and letting the justice system work! That’s why I can already confidently say this woman is a fucking liar, case closed!

Is there a single time in any celebrated pro athlete’s career when a victim of theirs coming forward with an accusation won’t be met with “hm, interesting timing to say the least!” The accused is virtually always in the spotlight doing something, meaning an accusation can virtually always be (idiotically) countered

Go to sunny Cali, play ball, get paid, and get an education...I would take that deal in a heart beat.

With shit like this, Im always flabbergasted at how blustery these people are, but so unbelievably cowardly!!

That’s why I just got so tired of Harry Potter... Every time there was a problem, they summoned a demon. Hey, basilisk in the basement, we better summon a demon. I gotta fight a dragon, I’m gonna summon a demon. Sirius is in danger, let’s summon a demon to save him. It was just so predictable that they would solve

I think she would be a terrible, narcissistic mother, the minute her kid was anything more independent than an infant. I really have no sympathy for her character at all.

I “challenge” you to wear your Black Lives Matter T-Shirt. It would not make you a phony. And you know what, wear a Caucasian shirt too - what is wrong with starting a debate (one that you know you will win!). There is nothing wrong with being a White person - we ALL know this. White supremacist discrimination is what