It’s sad that that makes more sense than any reason I can come with for why Lindsey Graham would be invited to this thing.
It’s sad that that makes more sense than any reason I can come with for why Lindsey Graham would be invited to this thing.
I would say because those are all obvious injustices that shouldn’t happen. Their defense probably was “I didn’t know.” but it failed because the system is fucked up and biased. We also don’t know that the
“I didn’t know” defense will work in this case. I’m guessing not, but you can’t underestimate the power of being r…
I’m not going to argue that the system isn’t fucked up, but it’s not exactly the same thing. The issue isn’t that they didn’t know bribery or conspiracy to commit money laundering were illegal, it’s that they didn’t know that their money was going to be used that way. I think it’s bullshit that they didn’t or…
I know the government can force doctors to lie to their patients, but can they force doctors not to correct those lies? Can the doctor give the patient a sheet with the lies on it, and then an annotated version that points out where the lies conflict with the best medical evidence?
“It doesn’t matter if they thought it was a joke,” said Scott Dressel, Public Information Officer at the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office. “It’s not a joke. There’s no joking about something like this. You don’t make a joke about killing people. It’s not a joke.”
The NFL is the perfect kind of the colluding 21st Century capitalism that the right loves. The billionaires at the top shouldn’t be competing with each other. They should be colluding. Let the talent who actually makes the product compete for a small finite salary pool. And when that talent is mentally and physically…
It’s not the only one. If a man accidentally causes an abortion, he has to pay a fine to the woman’s husband. If he accidentally kills the woman, then he is put to death. Exodus 21:22-25.
Paying the university and getting a spot for your kid isn’t fraud. Conspiring with others to lie about your kids achievements and abilities is fraud.
I think his slaves would have something to say about that “self made” claim.
Paying tips based on a percentage of the bill inherently keeps up with inflation because those bills are increasing due to inflation.
Fucking monsters. I want to see them explain to their daughter why this “prank” is funny. It’s funny to hurt people you care about so strangers can laugh at their pain? It’s funny to tell young children whose very survival requires trusting you cruel lies so their pain can entertain assholes on the internet?
Homophobic laws in Brunnei do not justify discrimination of Muslims in the US. Idiot.
Yet I keep hearing that the situation in the United States today is the worst oppression there has ever been in the history of the world for LGBTQ people.
I’m currently in Copenhagen, and in my experience trying to speak in Danish just slows things down and confuses people. Danes are much better at understanding good English than they are at bad Danish.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
I don’t see any discussions with or long-form rebuttals of chimps flinging shit at the zoo either.
I’m a little out of touch, but is “misleadingly edited videos” the new slang for “blatant and obvious lies”? Those videos were bullshit, everyone knew they were bullshit, and only completely amoral hacks pretended otherwise.
Oddly enough, Kelvin.
The boss move is letting the people of Portland know any of this even happened. Whether or not they go to arbitration, and whether or not they win at arbitration does not change what a badass move it was to not just let this die in secrecy like everyone wanted and expected.
Any time the topic of white male privilege comes up, the responses/comments from white men prove its problematic existence beyond any shadow of a doubt.