
How old was the girl?

BRAVO for the DHS! Can you imagine the national panic that would have arisen if Marilyn Monroe's corpse was disturbed? BTW, is the person who posts to Twitter referred to as a Twit?


They put what they accomplished.

I think part of the reason for premature product announcements is to elevate the stock price. Many executives get bonuses tied to the stock price rather than actual revenue.

From the linked page:"Aerodynamic Design. 3X lower drag coefficent than average." Do Gizmodo writers do more than look at pictures?

Parking? It would be stolen in 60 seconds!

Item pictured is NOT a BBQ. It's a grill.

But do they come in white?

Drop an intruder with one shot? How about a shotgun?

Hummingbirds are restricted to the Americas from southern Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Is there any doubt whom they plan to use these on? America becomes more pf a police-state daily!

Nope, SUBJECTIVELY! I think the booths filled with useless crap like the Suntel Electronic booth is far sadder based on carbon footprint, an OBJECTIVE measure SUBJECTIVELY chosen.

So how much soup do you think you could make out of Lonesome George?

But billy-goats are SO tasty!


Wearing this is just one step short of having a plushy fetish. The fake bandolier is cool...if you're eleven!

That must have hurt a LOT, but you got to work through the pain, bro. Thanks for telling your story.

no, i keep the foot in my mouth

It's wonderful you're full of Christian charity (if not actually a BB employee) but your defense doesn't explain cancelled items being available at full price. For years now, BB has had practices that can ONLY be attributed to incompetence or evil disingenuousness. I refuse to buy from them, even if they have a