
Well, obviously, since there are always workarounds, the best solution to prevent the horrible losses to the entertainment industry is to outlaw the private possession of computers.

Sushi refers to the preparation of the rice not the fish.

How about Luna?

I wonder if these same fools were to measure their arm with a 12-inch ruler, they would believe their arm ends after a foot.

Want to bet that if they decide to turn it back on, there will not be a similar public anouncement. How was this legal in the first place without disclosure? You ARE buying the phones.

You think they'll be able to match the skills of the Chinese that have been regularly attacking US systems?

Does this not ALSO imply that malware could be distributed hidden in popularly pirated mp3 titles?

Multiple planes? It's obvious why. They keep misplacing them. Hence the need for the hanger. But SERIOUSLY, you want to talk about owning a LOT of planes, how about Red Bull?

I thought the dish needed to be parabolic to focus the signal at the LNB.

Is this a REAL Dish screen, because temporarily is missing it's p. UTI?

A desert island or uninhabited island is an island that has yet to be (or is not currently) populated by humans.

WRONG! A desert island or uninhabited island is an island that has yet to be (or is not currently) populated by humans.

Just tried it. Cool. Hovering your pointer (mouse/stylus) gives x,y coordinates.

But sheep weigh about the same as people, 100-200 lbs. Maybe the four feet spread the load.

Don't think it will look as sharp with a CFL. Incandescent bulbs are soon to be unavailable.

#corrections "which allowed webmasters to add social features to easily add social features"

#corrections "—swimming unassisted across of the Pacific Ocean" ??!? I STILL don't believe ANYONE is proofreading at Gizmodo.

No,ofallthenames, your analogy is inaccurate. The apropriate analogy would be the farmer producing one crop and expecting a life income from selling pictures of that crop. Until the 20th century, musicians supported themselves by PERFORMING their music. The Grateful Dead lived off their performing and merchandise