
I find torn cotton underwear is safer.

Osama bin Laden is STILL laughing.

@DeeDawg: but classically taught in Natural Language Processing classes as an example of the difficulty computers have in parsing meaning? can't wait to see how Watson handles the Jeopardy answers.

I know it sounds cold, but Darwin Award by proxy. This woman had genes that couldn't survive her generation.

I guess the wounded man was pretty lucky that the fox's friends interceded. I've been in similar situations in rough bars.

Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.

must be another slow news day. This is like the worthless stories I turned in for junior high journalism. I wonder if Gizm writers are paid by the word or the article!

Yeah, and the FBI has embedded microscopic cameras in the fibers of women's underwear, so if they want privacy, they shouldn't wear any.

"something that else that suits your " EDITOR!!

But how do you lock down your unfinished coffee?

Isn't there a law requiring age filtering for sites that have masturbation on them?

Most of the commentyers have confused arbitrage - taking advantage of differential prices in different markets - with programmed trading - which uses analysis to spot moves in the market and trade ahead of it. Arbitrage has always been the basis of trading - buy spices cheap in India, sell them expensively in Euirope.

@whoisit6044: First rule of test taking - trust your first instinct - even if you are too stupid too know that you are is "you're" not "your".

Where's the crime. The man paid for protection and got it? It would seem that Bedi would only have breached the contract if he had allowed Davidson to come under attack, which doesn't seem to have happened. No more of a scam than the Identity Protection Services regularly advertised late at night, the trade schools

@walther98: Maybe God didn't like the name of your city. Ask an Imam.

@Evin Litchfield: Sorry you are living on a railroad track.I hope the weather is good until you can find housing.

How does a digital device use "film"? Might you mean videos?

@TomXP411: I also remember when POS (Point-oi-Sale) systems were built on top of IBM chassis that had the power switch in the rear. I frequently had to fight the temptation to flip the switch when a cashier would turn away. I wonder how many little geeks did not overcome the temptation.