
@Kajj: Good point. I apologize for the pedantry - a compulsion of my Asperger's Syndrome mind. I had missed the phrase "looked like" because in my younger days, I thought the old spellings WERE Fs until I learned a bit of German, but I stand corrected and appreciate your behavioral guidance.

@Faxmonkey: I beg to differ. My ipod Touch 2G on os 4.1 responds to all the controls on my Motorola S805 cans - volume, pause, start stop auto-application-launch. I can't see how that would be done without AVRCP.

@Graviton1066: Actually, in older forms of english, what you think is an f is actually a taller letter, the germanic estset, which gets the pronunciation of our modern double s. (The S is pronounced like our z).

@hostile-17: The media loosely uses the word addiction to refer to something one spends a great deal of time at. Considering how many hours it must take Dubya to sound out all the words in the WSJ, it probably appears as if he is obsessvely addicted. Actual truth, he is functionally illiterate. Proof - his own

@tonilost: Shhhhhhhhhh! Be Vewy Qwhy-at. We'we hunting stwippers.

@epiclady: And that would be wrong?

@KayKins: OUCH! Bois 1 Boys 0.

It's taken me thirty years to comprehend the statement made by one of my college English instructors:" Correct grammar is defined by common usage." The very concept of a "correct" grammar is historically recent, gaining strength in the 19th century alongside universal public education and affordable dictionaries. It

" prefer there to be one way; the right way. There is one Phillips screwdriver in my house."

"If you're anti-screen protector, a few product" What does THAT mean? PROOFREAD!

In the U. K. there used to be (I am not sure about now) people whose job it was to sanitize telephones in corporate environments (in the germ sense, not the M.I. sense). Douglas Adams has satirized them.

Ah yes the rape baracks - what the homophobes are afraid will proliferate with the demise of DADT policy.

@gstatty: Yes Gervais was funny. But I think the point was how ANNOYING it was to have someone who ALWAYS cracks wise, even when the setting is inapropriate. The Gervais character would crack jokes at a child's funeral.

@meatbag_pussrocket: My ex-wife. HATED technology. Was pissed about every bit of tech I bought, so I started telling her they sent it home with me from work for me to evaluate.

The quote refers to lithium batteries (as used in cameras) and the picture and most of the discussion refers to li-ion batteries (as used in laptops and iPods). NOT THE SAME THING!

@LTMP: Yeah, but taking the dog for a walk is really rough. Especially the first step out the door!

Once again people are going off thinking their home system is the universal one. Not every community has a tax supported fire department. When I was doing business in Hauppage on Long Island, NY, the facility had special parking spaces near the entrance reserved for employees who were members of the volunteer fire

@aec007: Nope. The fee are for those who are NOT citizens of Fulton.