
Didn't they recently publish that the interval for large quakes along the San Andreas fault was off by an order of magnitude and we were overdue for the BIG ONE ?!? During the Northridge Quake, the stores emptied pretty quickly. Think of the Pacific Plate region. Think of the economic disruption on top of economically

The Six TRILLION Dollar Man?

It's in the U.K.? Where the Pope is currently visiting?

What would be great is if a device like this used a One=Note styke annotation that would link a recording of the name with enough if a facial recognition hash, so that in recall mode it would replay the person's name (and possibly other relevant info) into my ear.

Has noone ELSE used the little binder clips for B&D/S&M play? C'MON!

@Jeb_Hoge: Were you able to put your arm back on afterwards?

So far, it seems most of the commenters can only conceptualize applications in terms of the quadrotors or other drone aircraft even though you understand the work is being done with fixed sensors. Fixed sensor navigation with autostabilization would seem ideal for slef driving vehicles. It would be trivial to line a

@daemonoid: Giz truncates the link, so copy and paste this URL to your browser if you are interested:

@daemonoid: Obvious confusion here between the concept of multiverse used by physicists versus the usage by Science Fiction and comic book writers.

@fluidfilm: Yeah, that's what people wrote about Hawking's theories 30 years ago. Now we have observable evidence of black holes, especially at galaxies' centers.

@Dabamasha: Despite the intended joke, this reveals the general ignorance in the populace between a hypothesis (which is what Dabamasha is tendering) and a theory, which is supported by data.

@Kleppy: Read the article again. They did not go after the purchaser. The litigation was against someone SELLING a USED copy in a public marketplace, i.e. eBay.

Hmmm. If this works at all reliably, it would seem to be the basis of a mall-kiosk business - especially after the diamond engraving adapter is ready. My suspicion is that it is is not up to volume work, but I have no evidence for that suspicion.

@Arken: So then you would be okay eating an animal that was primarily killed for the value of its pelt - say a mink or a tiger?

@minibeardeath: In that case, i would suggest getting one of the used Fujitsu Stylistic tablets on ebay for a few hundred dollars, e.g. the ST5032 or the ST5112 (the latter supports Vista & Windows 7, which has TRAINEABLE handwriting recognition, as opposed to the generic recognition in XP (which is fairly decent)

With two screens, one wonders about the battery life. Just saying.

Odd that in a tech blog like gizmodo, Marc Andreessen is identified as only "investor" rather than the HUGELY significant co-author of Mosaic, the first widely-used web browser, and co-founder of Netscape Communications Corporation.

@KamWrex: Out of sight, out of mind. The city dump is rarely sited at the Mayor's home.

So close and yet so far.