
*cough* Thomas the Chav Engine *cough*

I'll actually watch this if Shane MacGowan is in.

My God, I hate those fucking twins. They're incredibly hard to position right, and the pistoled one is never in the place I need it to be. Most of the times I'm shooting the wall instead of enemies. I try to use the chainsaw as much as possible, forgetting the other one is even there.

That'd be a bit more complicated. But there's always Turkey Day for that.

Who'd be up for an MST3K revival? Not just Rifftrax or Cinematic Titanic, I mean fully-fledged. With the bots, the Mads, the SOL, even the theme song!

Most 007 games haven't been able to live up to GoldenEye 64 (except Everything or Nothing, that's the best of all). The game based on Tomorrow Never Dies is not awful by any means, but it's not as enjoyable as the previous entry in the series. Maybe because it was originally supposed to be a sequel of sorts to the

Poor Wolfenstein didn't even make the top 10.

Did you expect DSOTM Part 2 with The Endless River?