
What? Even The Haunted World Of El Superbeasto? I thought Zombie owned.

Is this just a CD, or is there a DVD version as well? I wish I knew they had reunited for a tour at the time…

I shook Keith Caputo's hand after a Life of Agony show. River Runs Red tour…nice guy.

Her writing makes me wanna knife a motherfucker…
…but this is good.

Come on in! (No, don't.)
"We swing the garden gate open, and ALL are welcome Here."


So did I. Especially when he isn't wearing the hat.

Global Metal
Been looking forward to this one for a while. San Dunn & co. know how to make movies about metal.

I'm almost ready to go. Quit rushing me. Did you remember to turn down the water heater? No? Well go and do that and then you can start getting all pushy, mister man.

Tell your profile pic to stop raping me, rapist.

The cassette player was strapped to his leg.

I didn't need to read the review, just knowing that this was out was enough for me. Rise to Your Knees was great, and if this is somehow better? Kick ass.

I'd totally agree with you, but I like everything they've put out, so there's no need. Nothing can touch RRR, but I even like Keith's solo stuff if I'm in a quiet mood.

I like the Graves-era stuff too. It's obviously not Danzig-era, but after Graves left, the Misfits have turned more into product instead of band.

Glenn Danzig
And believe me, he's tested it.

Great game, as long as you play LOCAL co-op multiplayer…
If you try to go online to play co-op with friends, try to get four to play. If you have less, the game *forces* you fill in the remaining gaps until you have four. Luckily, the vocalist is the open hole in my regular fake band of three, so it usually times

Erm, replacing Dave Lombardo and citing double bass as the reason…

There was absolutely no reason to include the info between the em dashes.

No shit. This passes for news, and the AVC blog has dried up and turned to dust.

All reasons why Selig was perfect for the "clueless" punch line I was going for, but I digress.