

I agree they should do Death, but the Chuck Schuldiner-fronted pioneers of death metal one.

The only thing lamer than a censored transcript of this incident is posting it here.

(Damn it. I am a typo bitch.)

BRIDE is a better starting point and SON rules. WOFLMAN sucks. Lon Chaney Jr. couldn't carry his father's jock.

No, you'd have to skip…track by track, one at a time, to find the songs you want. Like I said, it works for my wife's infrequent audiobook listening—where you'd WANT it to "just play"—but I couldn't use it myself.

But…you *can* turn shuffle on and off on an iPod shuffle. It can either shuffle or play every track in order on your iPod's playlist.

For each movie that looks great, there are two or three that are just OK. I've noticed that the StarzPlay movies tend to be the ugliest in terms of quality. Still watchable though. (Unless we're talking pan-n-scan Superman III. Blech.)

Same here. The few times I do check the special features is if I'm watching a documentary, sometimes I hope for an epilogue to whatever I just saw. Otherwise, I'm too busy sending the disc back so I can watch the NEXT movie.

That's some slick stuff there. I've been testing it for a TV host's website for a live chat she's planning, and it works really well. (Free to use never hurt either…)

Question: Which Baha'i is best?

AJR, compare and contrast it with his role in Suicidal Tendencies' Art of Rebellion or Lights…Camera…Revolution! albums.

Amen. What they do to Trujillo's obvious talent is a crime.

Guitar Hero: Metallica is it's own separate on disc game so it'll work with the instruments you have. (Just like the Aerosmith one did.)

Garage, Inc.
The double covers album to which you "yikes" is pretty damn good, actually.

Alright, I admit it's pretty cool that they did that.

When did this happen?
The pic above is hosted on They named one of their servers after ZMF? Talk about overexposed.

mastodon didn't even release anything this year
and they still managed to kick the ass of every album on this list.

That's what I call it when I fall asleep while nude sunbathing.

So when is this coming out? Did I miss something?