
Damn it, thanks to Hulu, I stand corrected. Apologies all around. :^)

Pretty sure she was probably using Illustrator, not Acrobat. She said "Adobe".

Heckler = awesome
Kennedy is the whiniest bitch ever. It really has to be seen to be believed.

Not a Gogol Bordello fan, I take it.

Uh oh. I sense a new meme…

IMDb says BODY OF LIES, of which I am completely unfamiliar with.

Pretty much Already Released
"'Chinese Democracy' the album is due November 23 exclusively via Best Buy. The 14-track set includes only three songs that have not either been performed live or leaked online in recent years."

I don't have a Blu-ray player, but I am a HUGE fan of TCM. Just looking at the page on Amazon, my guess is that Dark Sky just took the content from the newer 2-disc DVD (the one in the metal case) and fit it all on one Blu-ray disc.

Leppo, the boxcar episode and the dinner party were only four episodes apart. Both happened in season four (ep. 55 + 60).

And then when Kurt heard that Josh Modell would rather go to sleep than meet him, it began a downward spiral resulting in suicide.

professional hugs
"holds her far longer and more tenderly than is professionally appropriate"

Life of Agony, River Runs Red tour
It must have been early 94 as I was in my 2nd semester at UMass. Saw them play downstairs at Pearl Street. Incredible show that I almost missed because of a lack of tickets. Thankfully, one of my friends bowed out (thanks again, Heather!) and I was able to go.

Amen, Zilcho.

True, but in your analysis, you didn't quote Robocop. So there. ;^)

It's because Jeffrey was a man. Men are allowed to be assholes to people's mothers and copy whatever they want as their own. In the end, they win.

I've only caught it once or twice, but I hate any show that has to feign tension with ultra-pregnant pauses and "timely" commercial breaks.

I noticed that too. It was almost like they filmed one shot widescreen accidentally and then had to clean it up before it aired.

Brown bread
You folks aren't from around here, are you?

Comedy Central
Home of the Rape Joke

But, but, but…I have to see The Road. It's directed by John Hillcoat, who directed The Proposition, which *ahem* FUCKING OWNED.