Should I be surprised about this?
Should I be surprised about this?
The last thing. The cake one. Let’s do that.
She should’ve stuck with “Don’t Speak.”
Ugh. What is the matter with this damn world? Why can’t food just be food?
This makes so much sense.
Happiness is a warm gun.
SeaWorld can blow me. Down with SeaWorld.
I’m an isolated weirdo who hates organized religion, but I’m not gonna shoot up a school. I’m gonna do the right thing, and bitch about it on the Internet.
Everbody’s got a dream.
Watching it now. I love him, and I think he is doing wonderfully so far. Also, I am so excited that two black men host the two “news” (more newsy than CNN, FOX, and MSNBC combined) shows on CC. And one is an immigrant. Time for some new perspective and new bold ideas in the war on bullshit! <3
I genuinely don’t see anything wrong with Elba being Bond. He seems sexy and suave enough for me. And, anyway, wasn’t Pierce Brosnan Bond? Maybe they should explain that abomination first before deciding who is “fit” to be the next Bond.
Get Kanye’d by Kanye once, shame on him. Get Kanye’d by Kanye twice, shame on you.
It’s semen from male homosexuals, duh.
I was always under the impression that “blonde” was the feminine form of the word and has thus used “blond” to describe fair-haired males. Brunette, which is definitely feminine, I avoid using when talking about make because, honestly, it confuses me. Should it be brunet? That doesn’t seem right, but isn’t it? Ugh.
First of all, I have no idea what a “bandage” dress is. Secondly, fuck you Leger.
I would never not tell you something about you.
I followed you. I couldn’t help myself. Unfortunately, you will be terribly disappointed in my photos. Except for maybe how beautiful my dog is.
I think I am like, the only woman who never read Judy Blume when I was a girl. If I did, I sure as shit didn’t find it memorable. I don’t know if I should feel regret, or pity the younger me, or what. Do you think Judy Blume could help me process these feelings?
She outed Anne Frank.