Carrie Ann

Regarding Frances and the annoyance of the parents, I'm sure she's well aware that both she and her husband take care of the children. The reason why she showed up at the school meeting was because of her husband's lawyer. Every question he asked Frances was about the children and the lack of Frances' appearance in

Oops, sorry.

I don't think she knew about the assets being frozen. Both Robert and Frances have been blindsided by their lawyers. Robert had no idea Silvercreek would paint Frances as a negligent parent, Frances had no idea her lawyer was going to serve papers to Robert at the basketball game. When Robert was talking to

It appears that both Robert and Frances are blindsided by their lawyers. Robert told Frances he had no idea that Silvercreek would go after her like that. Frances doesn't know much about Robert's new business aspirations. Remember, she found out about it, not from Robert, but by Diane, I believe.
Robert called

The kids were expecting it. Frances told Robert on the phone that she brought it up with them. Yes, the basketball scene didn't make anybody look good at all, but Frances pointed it out to her lawyer that it was wrong and unnecessary, especially because of the kids. This whole season, the only thing Robert and

Molly Shannon's character has been great. I think she definitely acknowledges her husband being a complete asshole, but she deals with it by not dealing with it. I don't think she could actually handle a divorce, so she drowns herself in alcohol to become numb. On some level, I think her husband knows this, so he says

I don't think Nick is aware of just how broke Robert really is. I also thought he was going to destroy her gallery. They lingered on that front window enough for me to think a rock was gonna go through it. What he wound up doing though ultimately did the most damage to his kids. It lit a fire under Frances' ass,

She didn't want that to happen the way it did. Especially in front of the kids.
"And serving him papers, at a basketball game, that was just too…ugly."
"Your hands are clean. You didn't do that. I did that. You don't have to act ugly, that's what I'm here for."
"I would just not rather embarrass him, unnecessarily,

During all of this, didn't we find out that Robert has little to no money of his own? Whatever he made from flipping houses, he blew through it by buying more houses. Frances was the main breadwinner, so he was using her money.

I may be reading your comment wrong, but in the late night phone call to Frances, she asked him specifically if she could have the kids for that weekend, to take them skiing. Robert agreed, but called the police on Frances out of spite.

What I'm seeing is that people are constantly comparing the character of Frances to Carrie Bradshaw. Two completely different things. It's all nitpicking, really. Frances is so far removed from the character that was Carrie Bradshaw. I see Debra Messing's name brought up a lot, and would it be fair to base all her

I agree with most of what you said, but so far, all we have to go on is what the show tells us and shows us. We've seen Frances walk the kids to the bus stop, and Robert taking the kids to church and the archery range. The latter was because Robert was feeling all up and happy from the testosterone shots.
As for her

Robert is injecting himself with testosterone to feel like a man again. He didn't feel good after meeting with '9/11 chick'. She was so embarrassed about their almost hook up and was angry when Robert was trying to reignite something that went out many years ago. Then his painfully awkward rejection from the young

I don't really get all the hate for SJP. When Frances confronted Janice, I believe it was definitely intentional. Robert brought a gun and handed it to 'the french guy', while telling him in not so many words, to kill himself. How is what Frances did looked at as unnecessary and awkward, but Robert gives someone a

Everyone agrees that what Frances did is horrible. It's not being erased, she didn't suddenly become a saint. Her husband did something wrong as well, but because he didn't sleep with the other woman, it's canceled out? Emotionally cheating or physically cheating can make or break any relationship. You can't say

While the things we learned in this episode don't absolve SJP of any wrong doing, we can see how they served as a sort of catalyst that lingered. Both of them cheated. They both looked for attention and comfort from people they were not married to. While SJP actually did get physical, who's to say that Church's

I'm really enjoying this show so far. It's a 'quiet' show. Instead of a slow burn, it simmers. With the exception of the gun shot in the 1st ep, the characters are doing all they can to maintain appearances while talking in hushed tones. I like that in the 1st ep, Church was expecting his shit to be tossed

As much as people want to hold on to just that as being a factor in Phil's death, Brynn was already unstable. Many of Phil's friends warned him about her, but he didn't listen. She threatened an ex wife of his 10 years prior, writing a 4 page letter threatening the ex wife's life and saying she would rip her eyes

I took the 86 number, when Elliot is released from prison, as he got 86ed. I looked up if there are any more references to 86, and apparently it's an 'Angel Number' (think numerology). It kinda fits in with the show. It has ties to mental intellect and strength, realization of affluence and riches, spiritual rules of

I was 18 when this album came out. Back 2 Good was always a favorite of mine, and it still holds up today.