
I never ask “why”, only “if”. I’m more concerned with how that plays out later in life, and if they think they’ve got it covered, then great.

Also, the guy talking about a “lawless society” was fucking rich. Not to mention most of these police abolitionists want a return to neo-tribal justice, because the rule of law is consideredwhite supremacy”. Also, I love the idea that property just magically reappears, without thought to the time and energy invested

Left because they got rid of my favorite zones (except Mercury, because fuck Mercury) and they capped weapon power level. Do not regret.

And not just a democrat, but a leftist

Those who can’t, regulate.

How can there be racism if it wasn’t a white guy? I’ve read numerous, numerous times on this site (and The Root) that minorities have no power, and therefore can’t be racist. Sounds like the guy was just funnin’ around!

I guessing you’re a toxic person they longer had the energy to deal with. Your narcissism will make you process this truth in a way that turns it into “gaslighting” or something else “done to you. The statistical probability of so many failed interpersonal relationship being the fault of others approaches zero.

Boo hoo a few tankies died. 

Capstone course in b-school was a one project, one final class, and the final was a 3-hour, 4 blue book open book test. I didn’t even finish it, but the curve was so insane that I somehow ended up with a B.

Yep, racist skins wore that shit all the time back in the day along with their dumb ass shoelaces, and its symbolism is a direct import from England. So maybe discontinue it all together?

People just want the uniforms and badge names so they can dox, perpetrate terror/violence on the officers and their families

Tyler’s articles were the best thing about Jalopnik.

I can only watch so many videos of Chinese people walking by dead or dying children like they’re not there, vivisecting and/or eating live animals, or completely avoidable industrial accidents before I start to suspect they may in fact not value life the way we do.

That pdf is the biggest bag of shit. It basically boils down to “If someone tells me I’m wrong, here’s my insane reply why I’m never wrong”

I like how in the new police abolitionist narrative social workers are being set up to fail by so-called allies.

This stupid bitch would never deign to do work that might involve real sweat or physical labor, just like the author of this article and all of their ilk. Like most leftist fuck stains, they view their “intellectual” labors as equal to my physical ones. If their precious revolution ever came about, they’d never be

Right, schools in communist/socialist “utopias” are fonts of unvarnished truth, and don’t indoctrinate children. Fuck off with this fantasy land horseshit. You’ll be farming turnips in no time if you have your way.

So far as I can tell no one in power has reaped jack shit, and per usual lawless mobs hurt more than help. Throw in the massive COVID-19 case explosion this will lead to and you find that somehow, yet again, you’re the ones reaping as much shit as your belly will hold.

You sound like a photo negative white supremacist.

COVID 19 is killing men at a much higher rate. But, whatever keeps your dick hard.