Those numbers are deplorable...
Those numbers are deplorable...
Actually, I did detect a sense of kindness in that homicidal threat.
The problem is, how can you be pro Penn State when Penn State wasn’t against child molestation?
It’s ok. I’ll just assume my assumption is more correct than your assumption. <thumbs up emoji>
confirming her lame ass comment to begin with...
My recommending this post is based solely on the accuracy of the headline.
It’s not absurd if I’M the one feeling oppressed by having to share in what THEY term as “equal and fair treatment” with those who “never had it,” and that Trump will fight for ME to keep what I've had before THEY showed up.
But then you would have those same people cry about big gov’t over regulation this, gun control that, socialism everywhere, and then about an hour later you wonder why you even got on Twitter to begin with, while the both of you (assuming no one else jumped into the conversation, which NEVER happens) leave thinking…
Hey, if I wasn't allowed to fuck in peace on the field midgame, these bats shouldn't, either. Equal rights is equal rights!
I dunno...over? How do we quantify this? The degenerate gambler in me really needs to know.
He must’ve thought the coach said at the end of the staff meeting, “go big THEN go home.”
This man does not agree...
Well, it seems like it, by sticking up for the Chargers and the notoriously frugal Spanos...
So you’re siding with the billionaires that are pinching figurative pennies and not giving this guy what he is suppose to get?
Pshht! All you casual Bible fans are always about the Superstars and their fancy, empty stats.
As a somewhat disabled person myself, I do have a problem with this. The problem is, I don't look nearly as good as these people. Fuck you, Vogue Brazil!
But didn’t the article say these weren’t athletes, just actors/models?
Looked like Bryce Harper had some fun out there, which means a baseball was thrown at his head later in the game, right?
But stay away from the dude dressed as Tentacruel; you just KNOW he’s into some weird shit...