
i dont think they are queens, theres only one queen to a hive, plus queens are somewhat more bipedal, as its armor and strength means it can take enemies head on. Fun fact: should the queen die the queen guard (preatorian) will all kill each other till there is one left and that one will malt, these are most likely

bed bugs procreate by stabbing thier penises into the womb of thier "mate"

like i said, im coining the term "hella phalic" for majority of geigers work (dark seed)

posted this before but you should see this

not to mention if the wasp lays eggs in a catapillar, the catapillar will do all sorts of crazy shit to protect the hatchlings, iirc they feed in massive quantities so the larva are able to survive, will still be alive after large amounts of larva have left their bodies, then they cocoon the newly emerged bugs in silk

i think i have to coin the term "hella phalic" for any and all of geigers work