
Fine, I’ll say what everyone’s thinking: Is there a Mister Koritala?

OK just stop right there. I will have none of your bringing logic into this discussion about my good invisible friend Jesus.

It’s almost like this guy is an incorrigible shitbag.

No one cares about geography, it’s all about television markets, the networks don’t want 5 Texas teams in the Big 12, too much saturation in the state, which means too much overlap with viewers. You want to bring in new viewers.

I live in Nevada and literally do not know a single person who supports this.

Malcolm Gladwell had a great podcast this summer on why nobody in the NBA shoots underhand free throws, even if it would definitely help their percentage. Worth a listen

I spent almost 3 straight minutes as Roadhog just constantly being put to sleep by Ana....they have to change this right???

Somehow the Cowboys will fuck this up. This is what I this will happen:

Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...

Title NEIN

Every single one of these cowards knew EXACTLY what Trump was when they endorsed him.

Im an avid soccer nut and no commercials is one of the best parts. I swear to god Im gonna lose it if they start showing a commercial or two during the action and I dont think its too far away.

Some people might get offended thinking that “ballghazi” makes light of the Benghazi thing. Which it does. And it should. Overinflated nothingburger. We get it, there was a terrorist attack. We can’t stop all of them. Making a mountain out of that particular molehill is exactly why Ballghazi should have caught on.

I think two commenters gave excellent reasons for why in last nights thread.

Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.

I don’t think she’s great yet or anything, but it sure as fuck beats listening to Kruk and Schilling and Morgan and most other former players they had.

Hey Brooks, glad you could make it to Deadspin!

That’s a brutal hit but I don’t see how you could call that anything other than incidental helmet-to-helmet contact.

There is a major disconnect between the shiteater grin of the driver and the terror of the people trying to gather up their kids who luckily escaped being run over. “My bad, my bad.”