Shead: Elizabeth, I've loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. This team has meant so much to me, to us, so I wanted to ask you the question here. Will you...will you let me be your 12th man?
Shead: Elizabeth, I've loved you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. This team has meant so much to me, to us, so I wanted to ask you the question here. Will you...will you let me be your 12th man?
Nothing says America quite like rolling your car while driving in a straight line and falling through the windshield.
I think we'd already established that Jameis doesn't understand the meaning of "no."
James is that fuckin' dude.
Can't stop laughing at Jim Nance's slo-mo "nyuuuuuuuuu"
As a bald man who has been shaving what's left since the age of 19, I support LeBron. If you don't have the proper shaped head to sport the complete shave, going bald sucks.
"The three stars represent the Galaxy, the Sounders, and NYCFC: the three teams for whom we go out of our way to break our own rules."
I'd like to go on record here: I fully support domestic violets. If you don't like it, you can take your other 63 crayons and just get the hell out.
Luke don't remind me of the old NFL2K games :'( Those were so much better than Madden. Even today in a lot of senses. Anyways, killer trailer!!! Will be buying FIFA for the 8th year in a row.
The criminal justice system called the crime a misdeameanor and allowed Rice to enter a program for monitoring and treatment. Exactly what does Storm and the other media heads want the NFL to do? The cerime was committed 1000 miles from the workplace, the crime was not a felony according to the local court and the…
Guess you missed the post on how the fight was probably not worth paying attention to for the PPV fee.
But I feel your pain. I hate that I come here and can't get MLS Cup news and have to go to ESPN for it.
Cant download digital when you want that sexy collectors edition
lol pretty dick move
OH, you mean that BBC... uh, never mind...
Invoking Hitler usually means you LOSE the argument just for being ignorant to compare something to Hitler.
this injured dude needs to get with it like several (ok more than several other players) and go spend the $25K and get an ARP Rx100