
I don’t have a Kinect...smartass. haha Taking a screenshot with the controller is a pain in the ass.

While I agree Porter shouldnt have been on the field, He wasn’t really doing much but just standing there smirking at the Bengals players. Thats when Pacman reached over 2 refs and tried to grab/shove Porter. Pac gon’ Pac though.

yea, you really didnt need to even mention the race thing on here. I was expecting you to call them “thugs”(white people version) or something like that but after reading your post it was actually tame. I do agree with your points though, you big ol’ hidden racist you!! lol :p

You guys, turn it on NFL Network, Deion Sanders is convinced it was a clean hit and its hilarious to see him justify it.

This is the reason I love the PS4 over the X1, the Share button. I know X1 has the screenshot option now, but its waaay more trouble to take a screenshot from the x1 than it is to take one on the ps4. Unfortunately I have this game on x1 so my screenshots arent as plentiful.

man up and do it if you want to do it to her. It’s really not bad. The first time I had a gf play she kind of just kind of rubbed the outside with her finger. freaked me out, but didnt say anything bc it actually felt good. Another gf actually inserted a finger. Took me by surprise and fortunately she had small

uuhh, I think they are called smartboards.

Damn, all these unfortunate events happening just so another shitty movie in a shitty series can be made. Thats so sad.

I didn’t know Sepp was such a fan of Nelly!!

im 31 and ive never even heard of this show. over 30...

lmao I damn beat me to it!

I just had breakfast tacos from Taco C this morning. :)

2013 - CenturyLink Field.

dude Colin is the best. He keeps it real. They have a funny dynamic bc Gregg is...well, he’s Gregg and Colin is always so serious about everything. I like him because of his insight. but to be honest they both annoyed me when I first started watching their stuff on IGN. They grew on me. lol

oh but fucking PDP and Markiplier aren’t ? Those guys are famous(and pdp is rich as fuck) for being annoying little twats. I’ve tried to watch their shit and I cant make it through any of their videos. They just aren’t funny, and personally they do anything for me as far as a gaming aspect.

yea its really sad seeing people throwin shade at Greg. He’s fucking awesome and I can guarantee that none of those other nominees would have had something half as meaningful as Greg’s speech.

i havent played it but ive yet to see someone say the game was “okay”. Everything I’ve seen and heard has said its a REALLY good game. It just got overshadowed by Fallout.

I always hated Heat Miser

very, very true.

I dont know about the rest of Texas, but Houston driver are utter shit. Some of the shit I see here is amazing to me. I don’t even think I took the same driving test as some of these morons here.