
I thought it was the guy from that Boy Wonder movie.

Agreed, and a Cowboys fan I just want him to stop living.

Every stupid ass in Texas that thinks they know what they’re talking about when they say that Manziel would be good for the Cowboys. or the Texans for that matter. I mean c’mon, some rich idiot paid for a billboard here in Houston for McNair to “Keep Johnny Football in Texas” and draft him...idiots i tell you.

wow, no. He yells too much, it gets annoying really fast.

I actually prefer John Strong over Twellman. Something about the way he talks sometimes that I can’t stand. That and he’s still butthurt that we beat him in the Finals

oh yea Papi is the best. They were talking about McHale’s firing the other day and he called Daryl Morey “The Puffy Guy”. I laughed my ass off.

Is that a fannypack?

Is that a fannypack?

haha yea its a very convenient protest. Just like the whole ALS Ice Bucket challenge. I bet every dumb shit that poured ice on themselves never even read about the disease or of any kind of actual research/foundations. They just were like “oh look how cool I can look by pouring water on my head AND its for a good

same here. I watched it up until he pulled out his gun. then I was like “Fuck that guy i hope he shoots his dick off.”

you get all the snowflakes, ornaments, and xmas themed coffee cups!

What kind of architectural mastermind puts a wall less than 3 yards away from the field?!

Yea i chose male Shep and stuck with him throughout the series. I’ve heard Hale’s Shep later on and wished I would have gone with female Shep from the start. ManShep’s voice never really sounded right to me and I thought it was something that I would get used to or at least the acting would have gotten better

calm down bro.

It’s career-ending(especially in Steve’s situation) its heartbreaking, unfortunate, catastrophic. But not gruesome. If you want gruesome google Paulo Diogo. THAT shit is gruesome.

honestly this is the only show on ESPN that I watch on a fairly regular basis these days.

cmon, we all know its gonna be released with VR, stop playing like you dont already know this.

fucking right? I know this video looks REALLY bad, but no one says anything much less flinches when she is thrown which makes me think either this kid was acting like a shithead or these kids just really don’t like her. Still didn’t see any reason to be thrown around like that, but the reaction of the students, hell

oh of course, but for me a powerline adapter is better and less time consuming that having to rewire and feed cables throughout my house.

its the same way for ps4 as well. A fairly decent solution I’ve found is buying in-line power adapters for your consoles. Hook those up to your modem and console and your 8-24 hr downloads are cut to an hour at the most (well at least for me.)