
fucking right??? that chicks voice man, I almost stopped listening the first time I heard her voice.

I've never seen this before and I thank you for this! hahaha

I just got an invite today and it expires in 7 days. Still trying to decide if I want to pull the trigger or not.

well not so much this season. Its been toned down. but during seasons 3-4 it was nonstop and it seemed like everyone was watching it. Jesus I'm starting to sound like a hipster, shit.

I'll probaby end up watching The Walking Dead again at some point but just not in the near future. Maybe after everyone is done blowing their load over it.

Ah ok I gotchya I do the same thing with tv shows. I know this is blasphemy, but I'm like that with The Walking Dead. I started losing interest during season 2 hoping that everyone would die because they were annoying the shit out of me. Around that time is when it started to REALLY blow up. like really get popular

gotcha. my bad...but Gigli man...just ugh. haha

wtf why would you listen to a podcast multiple times if you already didnt like it the first go around? Thats dumb. Its like saying "Yea Gigli was complete shit. I even watched it a shitload of times to confirm that it sucks." If I listen to a podcast and I dont like it I dont torture myself and listen to multiple

haha. I can see some of the Superbad/Freaks & Geeks cast starring in this.

I dont know why you're surprised, most of these guys are Americans...we drink beer. and also, did you not see the USMNT celebration when they qualified for the WC they were doing the same thing.

Oh good so im not the only one who thinks this. Im not crazy then

I mean, she's not wrong. but it still doesnt make it right.

So in everyone's opinion, should give this game a go or just stick to Horizon 2 on XB1?

damn and I thought Neymar's Flipper impersonation was bad.

yea I saw these two scenes in Movies/English class and then the instructor showed us the rig they used to shoot the car scene. It was impressive and I know had I not taken that class I wouldn't have given the scenes any thought. When I finally watched the movie as a whole, I enjoyed the hell out of it.

haha I was thinking the same thing.

What kind of podcast is it? I might look for it on Stitcher if it pertains to me. :)

I would guess it would be like how Stitcher has it. You hear ads in between podcasts. Though they have an ad free beta going right now, 3 months ad free for $5.99 which isnt a bad deal. I've been listening for about 5 months now ad free.

wrong. his foot came down and then the knee came down. catch is good.

yea thats typical NCAA i guess. He clearly wouldnt have been able to get up on his own and he was definitely not walking right. It's like he was wearing a high heel on his left foot.