
you're definitely wrong. They carry D's and in certain styles DD's.

Also see Hotel Inferno. First person gorefest where the main character sounds like Lewis Black whenever he yells. Horrible movie but lotsa blood.

no i dont remember ANYONE saying that because its not true.

arrested and charged for what? I didnt see him throw anypunches. I saw him get knocked around by everyone else.

Calm down Jimbo! How bout showin some of that class and dignity you talk so much about.

I hate DJ Khaled. just seeing him made me not wanna watch this video. He got beats though, he's just annoying a fuck.

could you imagine how long that one minute ad would have been if Mayweather would have read that?

I had the same thing happen to me. It sucked when playing FIFA as my thumbs would slip off as I was running down the touchlines. I had to move my right thumb over to hold the left stick in place so I could get a more comfortable grip with my left thumb. It got really annoying. I bought Grip-Its and they are pretty

y'know how I know these guys are douchebags? after the spike gets driven into the ground they celebrate by doin that stupid ass leg kick/walk. so stupid.

Hell I just preordered one, why not. $20 and I can plug this bad boy into my room. The only thing I saw missing is that I wish that the remote had a headphone jack like the Roku stick.

Stuff like this happens all the time in this league. Just this past weekend fans of the Philadelphia Union had banners confiscated because they were deemed "inappropriate" and in violation of their stadium policy (banners were not preapproved by the team). The banners were calling out CEO/partial owner Nick Sakiewicz

Well they are Americas new team and we as Americans are pretty effin dumb. So it kind of makes sense.

thats cute, they think they're Euros.

whats wrong with that logo?

haha i thought the same thing!

lol i freakin love that movie

A similar thing happened in Mexico and it was the same setup except in a dirt area. The driver made a jump, landed hard and was knocked unconscious and killed a few people. Who organizes these things? dont they know that this stuff isnt safe to be that close?

I have no emotions I feeling from that trailer except that it looks really cool. Although the same thing happened with Up. Everyone told me how it was "soo sad" and that they and/or their significant other cried. I watched with my brother and as the credits rolled at the end I turned to him and said

you dont get 218 hits by playing it safe man!

dammit thats adorable! haha