
I was waiting for some real fun to go down when I saw the video of the girls in white Ts...I was disappointed to say the least.

Jesus Christ man, spell check your shit before you hit enter. You're making us TexaNs look silly.

+1 LOL fucking hell, I was about to bitch about your post until i read the end. Fantastic!

Not a chance. FIFA doesn't care about stuff like that as long as they get those fat checks from Qatar. People have been talking about this since they started preparing for the WC and Sepp Blatter doesn't do anything but look the other way. Sure he might respond to questions about WC'22 there but those responses are

surprisingly, i got my package before noon. I thought this might be a sign of the apocalypse so i quickly ran inside, opened the package, and began playing immediately just in case the world really was coming to an end.

I was fine until he climbed on that star...FUCK. THAT.

Thats cuz DCU sucks at the moment.

umm the Cup final is in December...dont really know where you get December having the hottest day of the year. I actually think this last Final in KC was the coldest in Cup history.

nope, dont feel bad for it. Still want to crush it with my shoe

Thats kinda douchey. I would highly doubt that taking hormone therapy and going through expensive sexual reassignment surgery is considered fantasy. A guy wearing his wife's lingerie around the house while she's gone is a fantasy. He can take off the clothes and go back to being a guy, once you chop it off, it dont

I dont think so. I think its more of how the actors look in the role and if they can live up to the standard set in the game. If they can pull off the same feelings the characters in the game invoked from us then they should be fine.

I always thought they looked similar...i just dont think McDermott has the chops to pull of Joel. I could be wrong though.

well he IS from Seattle. Thats where hipster douches were born

this is great. the new format is confusing as hell.

I do the same thing, though I haven't graduated to cuticle biting. Thats usually where I cross the line. the main reason i bite my nails is so I can bite off that first layer of nail. I remember back in high school I dated a girl that had taken cosmo. and she wanted to see my nails one day. They werent too bad, but

There is no lost TV deal, their deal with NBCSN is ending.

Thats not pro-rel, thats paying millions of dollars to join the league and the league taking many factors such as marketing, fanbase, stadiums and so on into consideration. Seattle, Portland, Vancouver were all brought in to tap into the crazy fandom that is the Pacific Northwest. It was strictly a business move, they

It could be good, but not for another generation or two, or maybe even 3. The money just isnt there, like RandomHookup mentioned. I agree it would be cool to see it here, but talking pro-rel right now is just asking for a lot of teams to go broke.


Clearly the sushi was not made by Jiro Ono