
Miettes Bedtime Stories Podcast. Chick with a British accent reads short stories and its magical. Her voice is soft and soothing and can put me out in a couple of minutes. But beware there are a few of the stories she reads where she will get into it and kind of raises her voice in some parts, really messes me up when

while those two songs are definitely good choices, this playlist makes sense to me because its supposed to be a "freaky" playlist. Now I would definitely put your songs in a Grown and Sexy playlist.

Nice playlist! I like most of these choices, and of course it aint a Freaky Ass playlist of you dont got R Kelly and Pretty Ricky in there somewhere.

So he attacked the cameraman, eh? Shouldn't the article be title "Kanye West Octopus attacks underwater paparazzi"?


Now playing

Lester Holt and President Obama: Proving that not ALL black guys can dance.

+1 to you, I laughed so hard at this

I woulda given him a knucklepuck straight to the head.

but she aint from 'Murica...

I wish i would have taken your advice

Fucking shit man....Thats just wrong.

yep, and Heath Ledger just read this comment inside my head.

you mean its not one of those tricks where the clothes come off?? lame!

I dont watch a lot of action TV with CGI effects, so this is why I'll ask the dumb question: Is this type of CGI normal for television or are the ones in this trailer just THAT bad?

yea, i think you're mistaken.

isnt that what it was in reality though?

yea I saw this commercial and seriously thought "I cant wait for the Deadspin article, bc I know its coming" I also thought the same thing about the Cheerios commercial.

actually not really, it clearly said in the article that they werent expecting to get the snow that they got. They were probably expecting mostly sleet or something light. the forecasts for the South were a tad bit off as far as precipitation. The only thing they got right was that it was going to be cold.

Am I the only one who thinks Richard Sherman is a gigantic cunt??

Ice II-XV?? what is this, Final Fantasy?