
This whole head in the crotch thing reminds me of the Duck Sauce song "The Big Bad Wolf" Horrible song, fucking weird ass video.

you Deadspin for the day!

thats a bullshit example...its Chivas USA....they suck balls and have a shitty fan base. Its like saying that posting a pic of the Marlins park and saying thats proof Americans dont give a shit about baseball when we all know NOT A DAMN PERSON GOES TO SEE THE MARLINS.

That is NOT TRUE!!! She usually gets pissed off and calls you a "fucking asshole" Then she runs to the bathroom to clean up while she continues screaming obscenities at you and saying how now she cant see and her make-up is "all fucked up now"...but you don't really care because you are in the kitchen with a sandwich

wow 2 things that annoy the crap outta me.

**Splash** nice whale tale @ :45 second mark

1. Why is the Asian dude wearing "NBA glasses"? you know, the "let me throw on my thick-framed, no lenses, hipster eyewear so I can look semi intelligent when reporters come in the locker room" glasses.

Their reactions on xmas, and seeing a WiiU instead of a PS4/XB1

yea, you guys jumped over FCDallas and sealed the deal as our #1 nemesis when you ended our home unbeaten streak & now beating us in the playoffs. Hopefully the rivalry does continues once the new teams and conference realignments take place, whenever that may be.

As a Dynamo fan I hate SKC(more like certain players)...but damnit, do I respect and appreciate what yall have done up there in KC. and nice tifo.

that fool sounded like Kanye West @ 5:19

These next few things didnt necessarily happen to me on Brown Friday, but during the holidays:

well unless you dont mind having a soccer ball blasted into your nuts...then yes, you do cover your sack... save the future man, save the future.

I agree, I hate fans that talk shit about MLS. Of course the league isnt as talented as EPL, La Liga, or Bundesliga, but they have made huge steps in the past 20 years. What I like about MLS thats different from other leagues is the parity(I hate that word since everyone in the league uses it, but theres no other way

Its ok, Apple will release a new iPad in a few more months with a scanner. Just like they did with the iPad w/ and w/out Lightning.

MLS is actually going to 24 teams. 3 of the 4 already "accounted for". NYCFC, Orlando, and most likely the Miami Beckhams, and probably Arthur Blanks Atlanta team. leaving one more team to join to league. that one still up in the air though.

+6 pts!