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just to ruin this moment. anytime I hear/read the term "scissor/scissoring" I automatically think of South Park




I wonder if he took Ted Lasso home to Olivia in the bedroom.

why do they sound like Coneheads?? NYYAAAAAA

Do you do anything besides lift, bro?

So Danica isnt the only woman who cant drive professionally huh?

I like how he censors himself with "Fckin" but uses the hard R.

they cant pronounce it, but the can spell the shit out of it

and viola! a fleshlight

He watched so many Kevin Bacon movies he actually turned INTO Kevin Bacon!

Leave it us Americans to do something like that. haha

but yet you took the time to comment? what a tool

Pineapple juice makes it less salty, more sweet. just sayin



Shouldnt the headline read "Simon Phoenix Puts Blonde Hair To Good Use"?