
dude in the yellow vest is tryin REAL hard to look at Donovan though.

looks like Will Sasso when he played Kenny Rogers on MadTV

It should really be "Churrdren" or "Churren"but ill accept Chiidren in the hoodrat spelling bee.

I said "just the tip" dammit!!!

+1 because i was thinking the exact same thing.

Um,they're from Philly thats whats wrong

Can't wait for Fox Sports 1 to potentially knock out ESPN, Chris Weidman Style

what a shame. lesbian or not, that chick should be in the kitchen, not touching a man's trophy...unless shes polishing it.

fair 'nuff

so i guess you and Snoop are the only ones in Hernandez's corner

Its definitely rude. Its common courtesy to just at least put the phone down for your 90-120 second transaction. If im on the phone when im about to check out, ill tell the person on the other line ill call them back. Not only is it courteous, but I like to pay attention to the transaction to make sure the clerk

sonofabitch haha +1

Red Eye has its moments. this is not really one of them. The only reason I watch it is because he usually has a hottie sitting at the end of the table.

My brother loved the movie...I on the other handed hated it. Ok maybe not hate, but I wasnt too impressed by it. It had its moments but the whole cell thing was stupid, though I did like the whole unleashing the beasts thing. But the very end killed it for me. It was a crappy backstory and left me leaving the

"If Ray and Stallworth can get away with it, so can I!"

and bacon

oh snap! +1

someone get the lube and the kiddie pool, this is gonna get interesting.

They don't know jack shit about video games but as soon as theres a mass shooting involving some young adult they blame video games. dumbfucks...though I think I would give Simonetti the business.

haha +1