Ya see more people like that need to get what they deserve. The thing is, I bet you at some point it worked...at least once. Fucking awful.
Ya see more people like that need to get what they deserve. The thing is, I bet you at some point it worked...at least once. Fucking awful.
The video is about diving, not dirty hits. He is saying seguin didn't dive, just like pacioretty didn't dive. Nuff said.
Yes. I felt the article's example didn't need further discussion to its level of creepiness. I was just moving on to other examples that are...on that line. Cases where I think an "unattractive" person would get a "creep" tag...and an attractive person wouldn't. Just getting opinions.
I do get that. That's why I moved on to a different example that I had heard about. I figured it was beyond discussion. But you are a troll if I recall so...carry on.
Well I thought it was pretty clear that the example in the story was creepy beyond discussion.
Yea..definitely in this example it isn't even up for debate. I guess I was just saying more generally. But from the responses it's good to see that people agree a creep can look like anything.
No. Just use of the word "creep". But as most of you agree, creeps come in all shapes and sizes!
Well said.
Excellent. What if the guy left his number/poems and he was a big fat slob....
Well I agree with all of this. I was just curious if others felt the same way. I too am part of the double standard. Damn nature.
First: I think what this driver did is terrible. Absolute bull shit.
Ahh yes..people enjoy what he does (dunking) want to see him do more of it (dunk contest) so Lebron threatens to never do it again. A man of the people.
What a well thought out comment. Great job. I'm glad you have added value to this otherwise short and meaningless discussion.
hahahahaha well done. Bravo.
Not at all. 3 of them. I watched the first one...felt like "hm maybe that was just a bad one" Watched a second one...ok so the third one I'm ashamed to have watched. I should have figured it out sooner.
The most infuriating thing about harlem shake videos is how alot of the dumb moronic kids have this like CONSTANT smirk on their face. Like they just think what they are currently doing is the FUNNIEST THING THATS EVER BEEN DONE EVER BY ANYONE. So funny in fact that they can't even hold back their grin because they…
yea it just cracks me up how all these people on here BITCH AND MOAN and have full articles about "ENOUGH ALREADY...BOSTON ARGHHHHHHH" and then they still find a way to include a Boston reference in all of their articles.
"It is the Southie of mustaches"
He's still waaaaaaay less insufferable than John Sterling. God damn that dude needs to go away forever.