
lol, no, I actually wasn't using faggot to demean you. I was using a string of exaggerated insults to show how stupid it is that you're STILL getting butt-hurt over a bunch of things a stranger said on the internet, to drive home that people say mean shit on the internet all the time, and subsequently imply that

holy shit you think I actually called you a faggot and didnt realize it was an exaggeration of your "thin skin on the internet" nature. anyway i really dont have time nor interest to read anything else, not even a cursory glance at your posts, at least not right now. so i guess you win? if that's what you want to

and you know nothing about me so dont you fucking dare accuse me of athlete worship. I see someone who is revered come into schools and stick up for weak kids who get picked on and make them feel valuable. forgive me for hoping the person who I see actually bring a sense of self worth to peopel get a second chance. if

oh, and I really should eat my words for reading your post, but i'm STILL waiting for your STEP BY STEP explanation of how my feelings about Ray make me a wife beater. honestly, shut your fucking mouth if you can't type that out, step by step.

and lastly, i'm not your personal fucking google slave. if you wanna see ray's charity work, google it like a normal fucking person. maybe you don't follow sports, maybe you don't live in NJ or baltimore, but he had a REPUTATION as being someone who actually cared for a fucking reason. i didn't pull it out of my

btw, someone called you a faggot bitchboy white knight crybaby pussy on the internet. news at 11. have thick skin, or don't post on the internet. otherwise, develop the ability to understand the message behind the insults. must be a 25 vs 35 year old thing.

actually, i got curious and read it, and yeah, i agree with most of your sentiments. but no, I don't think his past work goes to waste. the dude came to my old high school (where my friend is a teacher) and gave a bullied gay kid his phone number to text him when he gets shit talked to him by his peers and feels down

dude, i lost interest in this like 4 days ago. i'm not reading that wall of text. refer to my previous post and take it or leave it. bitchboy, white knight, pussy, its up to you to figure out (or even muster up the ability to care) about what i said/meant/etc, bc honestly, I haven't given this much thought for a long

but, after reading your other comments on other articles, I say this in a serious tone: stop wasting your (and my) time on this pointless argument against a strawman that you've constructed based on things I didn't even say, and instead go talk more about police abuse of power and lack of accountability. because

lol i don't even know what RSD is. you are such a whiny little bitch. but hey, next time i'm beating my sister and mom and raping my girlfriend, i'll think of you, and beat them harder while yelling PLITZERGRIMMACE ASKED FOR THIS YARGHHHHH . after that i'll make sure to go to a pua seminar while reading "rsd" on my

lol you are such a little bitchboy. HEY BRO STILL WAITING ON YOUR BLOW BY BLOW EXPLANATION OF WHY I'M SO DOWN TO BEAT WOMEN! god, your life must be total dogshit to care this much, lol. you need to get laid dude

no, you are hopefully drug addled or retarded to come up with some inane non sequitor and projective bullshit.

tl;dr give it the fuck up, you dumb bitchboy

oh, one more thing: I have never even paid attention to Men's Rights Activists, ever, nor did I even offer one modicum of support for them, although you seem to think I did in your head.

Are you retarded? I have no idea what RSD is. I don't requent PUA forums. I read the Game. What the fuck are you continually yammering on about? Whether or not my statements about Ray Rice is equivalent to the dumbasses who defended the Steubenville shitheads is irrelevant, considering the ACTUAL CRIMES were vastly

jesus fucking christ, you are so goddamn boring. if you have a problem with the word "mistake", suggest another fucking word. IDGAF about your uninformed opinion anymore, lol.

and lastly, equating Ray Rice in the elevator to the steubenville gang rape is fucking idiotic. You're equiating a videotaped gang rape of an unconscious teenager to an isolated domestic violence episode. Like WTF??

oh and btw, I have no fucking idea what "RSD" is or what you are alluding to.

Please, spare me the theatrics. I never once supported violence against women. I'm supporting a second chance for Ray Rice based on the entirety of his life and body of work.

Lol, you're putting words in my mouth and constructing strawmen which you then argue against. Nowhere did I ever say anything about hitting women not being wrong. Like, nowhere at all did I say that.