
Snapchat is super useless app. lol An App for retarded people.

...and if I were literally taking ownership of the individual components, you’d have a legitimate argument.

Would you say the same sort of thing to someone who restored an old vehicle to working order, or parted out their own vehicle from existing parts, and referred to it as “theirs?”

There’s a difference in a simple

Meanwhile, the game runs like complete garbage on Xbox, but you know. Priorities.

Finna Nut definitely made me lol

You know what Beth. It’s sad that you spend your dumbass life criticizing santa and imagination. Your journalism sucks as much as your lack of creativity and imagination.

What if I told you that the parade is fun? What if I told you the Broadway numbers were full of talented individuals? What if I told you that these “commercials” are already things that we watch and enjoy and for children (who the parade is really for anyway), watching their favorite characters come to life is

Well then she has that same day every single time she puts out a column. They’re all train wrecks., that has no place in the answer to the readers question. That and the last answer makes me think Jane was not having the best day when this article was written.

It was so obvious I thought maybe the ‘Hank’ was a typo. Hank Hill is a good man and I’m upset he was disparaged.

As a Pats fan, please allow me to say: Fuck these people with a fencepost.

As a non-Pats fan, let me just say: fuck ALL of you Pats fans.

I see a difference. The PS4 version looks better. That’s the difference. Guy who wrote this article is a hipster contrarian.

People who prefer the PS2's “quality” visuals are the same people who think VHS offers an experience you can’t get with Blu-ray and that the distortion and low fidelity fuzzing sounds on ancient LP’s are better than than crystal clear audio where you can hear all the instruments.

Except herpes.

Double-bag it next time. It’s best way to stop your garbage from leaking.

The government will enjoy all your imaginary money when you drop dead from a heart attack. Alone. Enjoy dying alone and penniless fuckhead.

It’s like every game, where the goal is to have fun.
However, if the only goal is to win, then there is obviously a very strict way to play. Loot until you have enough gear to win 1v1 engagements and then figure out where other people are and kill them in order to compound their looting time with yours. Go for the

Pilot here. Can confirm lowness of runways.

skimming the beach on their ultra-low takeoffs and landings

Kind of a lazy, dull idea for a thesis project if you ask me.