It would be more like if your mom wrote a book about you beating up Randy Savage....Moms usually would help hide a body.
It would be more like if your mom wrote a book about you beating up Randy Savage....Moms usually would help hide a body.
You shouldn’t criticize someones opinions when you do not understand what you are talking about. You can tell you did not even read the article because Ivanka didnt write the book. Her mom did jackass.
In this pic Trump is grabbing Kanye by the pussy. Can you tell he likes it?
The best man.
Or its Cutler’s
Sorry for your loss....
Easy to win when you cheat...
I just heard a punk from Massachusetts say he doesn’t watch basketball but if he did he would root for the best team. Mindset of all pats fans born after around 1990 or so. Fairweather pussies.
Or you know....the fucking witcher
Sounds like she will never be happy.
Yea this is the first thing I have read from her and she is a fucking idiot. It’s like “Hey Jane can you give me some advice?”, “Sure, just make better life decisions dumbass.”
It is the intent. It is not about being offended. If someone tries to insult me by calling me a cracker because I am white, you better believe they are gonna get hit with the appropriate racial slur.
You and this fucktard “writer” just said fuck her husband and called him a coward respectively. Seems kinda harsh when she is married to him and she wrote in to get advice. I doubt she wants the advice of someone that calls her husband a coward.
In my experience racists have no problem using racial slurs and admit they hate blacks/mexicans/etc. I think who you are referring to is non racist whites. Black people typically think that they cannot be racist. If I have white skin I am racist....
lmftfy....”Our president...”
Shooting drugs is pretty interesting! Fuck that vanilla life.
I’m aroused.
I am a Mexican currently in NC. It is not racist.
Wypipo = The folks that got you out of shackles on this continent.
The Root is a fucking I guess I am a white supremacist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯