
Kotaku, looking like the Daily Bugle with J. Jonah Jameson in charge right now.

So what exactly is your problem with cops being shown as good and criminals being showed as bad? The fact that spiderman helps the police? That you beat up criminals? Sure an argument can always be made for showing more complex characters whether criminals or cops, but thats not what you said. You say that your

It’s a game. People always want to analyze stuff instead of just enjoying the game. Stop comparing the game to the real world no matter what parallels there are. Just enjoy it for what it is: a Spider-Man video game...

When is Kotaku gonna fire this hack already. Every article Heather writes is just some Propaganda garbage. 

You seem to possess strong antagonistic views and feelings towards the police. As an NYPD police officer serving the community of Crown Heights, it’s a climate that I’m accustomed to living in. I’m not here to play the us versus you game. That’s silly, and cops and people who share that mentality, that its a war

Read into things much? This is not reality. It is a GAME. And there is no need to bring social justice and politics into everything. A majority of the police are good in real life too. Get over yourself.

It seems a bit odd to mention Snowden and Police Brutality in the same breath to back this analysis up.

*paragraphs and paragraphs and paragraphs*

This article is everything that is wrong with video game “journalism” 

Its a fun game where you play as spiderman. Its not ‘This Is the Police.’ It’s not supposed to be a political/social commentary on the state of new york, so why do you feel the need to criticize it as one?

Wow, I’m somehow still amazed when there is yet another incredibly ignorant and desperate article like this on kotaku.. Shame on me.....   

Video Game Doesn’t Depict Real-Life As Much As I Would Like”

It’s a video game about a comic book hero, not a social commentary.

Reading an article about how Spiderman is too friendly with the police in a videogame, like its a legitimate problem is giving me cancer. 

Says a random internet dweeb.  Good job.  You played yourself.

No, it really doesn’t. I own all three titles, so I think I can at least be somewhat objective here. All were fun, but H:ZD was the weakest of the three. It has some nice graphics, the combat was fun and the concept of robot dinosaurs was pretty cool, but it lacked the spark of fun and creativity of either BOTW or

I absolutely love the PC version of Bloodborne and God of War. LMAO.

What is the vast array of Nintendo exclusives again? Oh, the 2 games that came out in 2017?

Two topics that have nothing to do with each other. Pretty cool, guy.

Good boy. Sony is very proud of you. Now please go back into your shed until they need you again.