
Best MMO ever. Oh god I am stocked up on food and drink and cannot fucking wait. And I have early access so I am only waiting for friday :D

I’ve commented before that I just got back into wrasslin’ after a 12-year break. After watching ROH, NXT, LU, NJPW, and PWG, it’s hard to watch Raw (I don’t bother with Smackdown). The bad, scripted promos, the repetitive matches, the slow tempo of the WWE-style, it’s more tedious sitting through Vince’s

It is a breeding ground for what is the worst in a gamer. Take all those 12 year old Xbox live FPS brats talking about having sex with your mom and make them college age and 10 times worse.

Don't forget about the travesty that was the cancellation of Young Justice! Quality seems to be anaethmic to networks when it comes to animation.

Yeah, my biggest problem with this is that I gave up on the show a while ago and don't want them to try to force me back in. The "Ultimate Spider-Man" cartoon just isn't very good on the whole.

Like I said, miserable failure at channeling Amano. Amano draws two formidable, dangerous-looking black knights in big, black fuck-off plate mail and Naora reinterprets this as some guy who spends too much time at a woman's hairdresser wearing frilly boots, a backless dress and 6 pieces of flair.