"Because of a totally unrelated reason, there are circumstances in which that info cannot be released."
"Because of a totally unrelated reason, there are circumstances in which that info cannot be released."
I have a nice blue/black "torture" deck that does consistent damage over time from multiple sources and land destruction/denial so they have to sit there and take it lol.
No thanks. The return investment on trading in anything these days is rediculous (I'm looking at you lame stop). I work hard and support a family's I'm not some kid who's parents gets them what they want. In my case I'd rather save up and get it later.
I was basically saying insdtead of buying a regular version and then the newer one when it comes out ill just wait till the slim version is released...whats wrong with that ? stop honing in on one or two words and get the big idea plz =/
I'm one of the very few that will wait for a new/slim model to come out and by that time it will have a very well solidified library of games. I hate it with portables how they release it then pull a Capcom and release the slim then the super ultra mega slim, then the super makes-you-coffee-in-the-morning-edition with…
RAWWWRRR sooo cute hahahaha
CoughFinalFantasyXIVCough one of the numerous reasons i gave up on that game
Lol F@%$in bloody brilliant, this should be a Mod
lets see... these people ive played numerous time, i happen to walk in the room when theyre playing someone else and look at their phone and catch them trying to switch screens super fast from some app called "word breaker" to words with friends.
there was a time when penny arcade and vgcats used to be funny now theyre just incredibly lame and overly serious
I refuse to play words with friends anymore ever since i found out there are apps that help you cheat such as wordbreaker. 9 times out of 10, someone i was playing I caught using one of these apps, it defeats the purpose and sucks all fun out of the game.
yeah i seen that lmao, funny thing is i showed it to the out of shape couch jockies that i was talking about and they got butthurt.
Im more-so annoyed by the people who write off gaming as being for kids or for out of shape lazy people, yet those same people I deal with will watch sports/ESPN on TV for 8 hours straight and are waaay more out of shape than me. I see both spectator sports and videogaming as entertainment but one is more engaging…
I like how some of the people who say it stole from such and such game are so vocal, when they are probably the ones who play the same copy and paste shooters out this gen that do nothing but change the type of guns you can shoot and perspective, yet no one ever bitches about that.
Why oh why would they make it exclusive to one carrier. I mean Im sure it looked good on paper, but from a consumer standpoint youd want to make it available to everyone who wants one?
Nowhere in my comment did I say "They"(being blizzard), are drumming up enthusiasm. SMH And of course they're developing a videogame, did you somehow think by my comment i thought they were making pancakes?
Paragraphs are your friend...im just sayin :)
Lmao seriously, im probably old enough to be your father and youre calling me a spoiled brat. I have two jobs and earned everything I have I bet you still live with your parents and breathe out your mouth and Fap to adventure time. To resort to name calling becuase of someone else's shows how immature you are on your…
If blizzard keeps playing this waiting and secrecy game, it has a potential to blow up in their faces. At this point enthusiasm isn't what it used to be for its release.
Good, maybe we can get away from the series rampant androgyny...if only...but one can dream can they