
I work for a nearly exclusively Esri shop, and I am jealous that you get to work with the superior tool. We have this philosophy of, “the college kids in urban planning schools are learning Esri, so we should be using it.”, and it’s been one of the biggest pains in my ass as the IT Director, the entire time I’ve been

If he can wrangle Esri’s miserable software stack, it speaks well about his ability to navigate the obtuse complexities of geopolitics.

That’s a party bus, not an RV... I’m not sure what looks worse underneath it, the expanding foam, or welds that look like I did them (for reference, I’ve never welded before)...

I’ve adjusted by just not reading full articles. It’s driven down the amount of times per day I check on any of these sites, because I’m sick of them deciding what I wanted to do when I came here to begin with. I’d imagine their analytics data has a hilarious cliff right around the time they implemented that...

Hey Jalopnik Staff,

Certainly closer to military experience than Roger Penske...

That’s always been weird, to me. Some of the most valuable moments of my career were when someone knew so much more than me about a subject that I felt like a completely noob - and they were valuable because I can learn so much from them, and it helped remind me to remain humble about my own knowledge, however broad

Taking him at his word (I know, I know...), my biggest cringe is that even with 4 years of being Commander in Chief of the military, he paid so little attention that he came away with the opinion that it’s no different than coaching a sports or racing team. I have no military training, no governing experience, and 90%

Does anyone else find it precious that Elon can’t even grow the sort of beard a 14 year old boy can?

Do you want Doom? Because that’s how you get Doom...

With my imaginary scenario, you’d still have 100% use of your battery, just at high volume chargers you’d get the 80% or so that you can get at full speed. Heck, maybe they could have a separate set of chargers for people who need a 100% charge. The bit about advertising the 80% range alongside the 100% range is so

I think it’s “a little column A, a little column B”, when it comes to the reality of EV life in the current era. You are absolutely correct, that not everybody has chargers available. I lived in an apartment complex in SoCal that presented itself as being “upscale”, but they only had 2 chargers, and they were both

I don’t even mind it with the open diff, it still works better than any of the computer controlled or part time systems I can afford.

Surely they make the process of opting-out a simple, and painless one... /s

The mindset that insists on things like this is beyond seeking ostentatious displays of wealth. It’s obscene, vulgar even. There’s a part of me that’s genuinely sad, that so much wealth can be hoarded by a single human.

The insurance industry is. Turnabout is fair play.

Oh man if it’s just temporary, you could just game the system and drive super cautiously while you have it... 

That’s how I feel about it, too. Especially since you know they’d eventually start micromanaging people who don’t drive aggressively, just to come up with excuses to raise their rates.

Wow that’s... setting pretty much everyone up for failure. I wonder what threshold they set for actually counting “hard” acceleration against someone