
Handy to know, thanks! I was always a bit curious how much it affected it. Do you know if, once you’ve started that program, you can stop it and go back to regular non-snapshot rates? I’m pretty sure I’m an ideal driver for that system (in no small part because my Crosstrek is about as gutless as can be), but if I

On principal you have solid points, but I think where you’re setting the bar for the baseline is incorrect. The overwhelming majority of drivers have a commute - therefore drivers who are responsible commuters should be the baseline, not penalized for having a job. Drivers such as yourself should get a substantial disc

I don’t remember. I’d assume not for a single instance, but the odds of something like that happening regularly somewhat frequently for someone who drives during rush hour would be pretty high. It wasn’t a massively unusual situation. That’s why it sat poorly with me, when it responded. we’d been traveling under the

My ex had one of those ODB dongles for her car, in hopes to get good rates from whoever her insurance was. She had to panic brake and swerve to avoid an accident, and it was very stern about how unsafe her driving is.

Another Crosstrek owner, 2017 here. The AWD system is, by far, the best I’ve driven. I was constantly frustrated by the Hondas I drove never kicking the rear wheels in - even when I cranked the wheel and floored it on top of 8 inches of snow. Being able to do donuts on demand puts a huge grin on my face, but the added

You got the scale of the crane slightly wrong. Like yeah, that one would be imposing to see barreling up behind you - but what made it butt puckeringly, pants shittingly terrifying, was that it was one of these.

Never pass big trucks on your way up a mountain.

When any pleb with near a hundred grand worth of buying power can get an EV that will do 0-60 in under 4 seconds, of course that metric loses the panache it used to have to super and hypercar makers.

Does that happen to other scooters too, or are Groms more desirable for it?

Those aero disc wheels look like something out of a video game, and I am here for it!

I’ve always wondered that about mini bikes like the Grom. Can’t someone just pick them up and put them in the back of a pickup, or something? It’d be a 2 person lift unless they’re pretty buff, but Grom owners chain them up like bicycles?

Absolutely love the Ferris Bueller cut added in. *chef’s kiss*

There’s notably less room on the sides of my engine bay in my Crosstrek (FB, but basically the same as an FA), as there was in my bugeye and hawkeye. Not a ton, but enough to pinch...

Yeah I don’t care enough to upgrade horsepower anymore. I’ll upgrade handling modestly, braking as well, maybe add a short throw... But I’ve run out of desire to build monsters anymore. More important priorities to throw the big bucks at...

No replacement cycle on the chains? That’d make me happy. So what’s the engine out service on an FB like my Crosstrek?

Yeah I know, you just need the right wrench. It’s still a pain to get access to them. It’s the timing belt and water pump that I’m not looking forward to...

I really want to like these - they’re both on the list of, “if I buy another ICE car, which ones would I consider”, but...neither of them really do it for me, given the price, fuel costs, and the sheer number of things you have to pull the engine completely out of a Subaru for, that would be something you can do in

Now playing

He mentioned suggesting a motorcycle swap... I’d love to see what this thing’s capable of when done up like the Smart Diablo...

This just in... People who would be fired by Musk if they said he didn’t deserve to be paid back for the Twitter purchase, plus some profit, say he’s worth as much as he’s asking...

Started a rat rod build, and got bored? Still looks like a hoot to drive...