
Spark plugs. In my defense, I drive a Subaru.

Why can’t I buy a car just like this?! 

For train travel to be safe enough for the president to get around (at a comparatively leisurely pace, when looking at Air Force One as the alternative), our rail infrastructure would need some serious upgrades and maintenance work. It’s also far less secure, and difficult to avoid threats while traveling by train.

Which is exactly why I asked that question

I understand, but I was curious (since the article is specifically about how payload affects range) how the EVs stack up to ICE versions performing the same task.

I had the same sort of experience with my own gender dysphoria, the first time I played through Cyberpunk...

That’s funny, I came to the comments to mention SC, too. I backed the Kickstarter, the game has been given like half a billion dollar budget at this point, and over a decade later it’s still not a game...

Now playing

There’s a ska song about this kinda stuff...

What’s the mileage hit like on the ICE versions of these trucks, when hauling the same payload?

The TB-303 may have been a failure at its intended purpose, but it is one of the most iconic synthesizers in techno history. Just bizarre that it would be included, when there is an entire popular genre of techno that basically exists solely because of the 303...

I’m a big fan of the cladding on my Crosstrek, but this is a bit over the top...

It’s not about which car, it’s about which features I can get for the same price as an equivalent ICE vehicle. Give me something the size of my Crosstrek with AWD and a good range, for under $30k, and we can talk. Until then? What’s the point? I’m not made of money...

Yeah, but they also had the real tach with a digital speed display/MFD on the steering column

Live free and dry, apparently...

I’ve lived in Detroit most of my life, but in 2021 I made the stupid mistake of moving to Riverside, CA for a bit. You think the air is bad around the refineries in Southwest Detroit? You’ve never woken up to smog dust covering everything. Every day. I’ve never had worse breathing issues, than when I lived in the IE...

So the rich have a chance at escaping the hordes of the downtrodden, when the Mad Max times come?

Didn’t the Supreme Court already rule on this? Police in commission of their duties in the public space have no expectation of privacy.

Nearby? Oakland University is 45 minutes away on the interstate...

Wow, he’s actually trying to collect consent to abuse his employees? That’

I had one of these. I like that the outlets are grounded, but I wish the USB ports had some sort of high speed charging capabilities...

I had one of these. I like that the outlets are grounded, but I wish the USB ports had some sort of high speed