
Installed NOS, but never used. Bullshit. Pull the other one.

I don’t disagree on principle, but for this car, this old, with this many miles, this is something like 6 times the bluebook value.

I looked at the post and said “What did you do to it, to make it worth that kinda money?”

This is the first time in my life I’m not entirely sure. I want something electric, but holy shit are the prices stupid. If I don’t go electric, I want something with a good AWD system, so unless the GR Corolla is genuinely available and not stupidly priced, probably another Subaru.

Now playing

This video goes into great detail about just how many more ways he fucked up...

Now playing

This video was a great watch, in processing just how badly he fucked up...

If you haven’t read up on his “proof” that 1 x 1 = 2 yet, you should. It makes this look sane, and grounded, by comparison.

This only works if you’ve got really good insulation

Stephen, for real here... You should read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It covers a lot of these things in a very light hearted way, which can change that anxiety into amazement.

Doesn’t even need to be towed. Any ship this large has its own engines.

Kindly provide a list of countries where the n-word isn’t understood as a hateful term. Cite sources. Go ahead, we’ll wait.

When I saw Netflix was bringing this series to a modern audience, I’ll admit I was pretty surprised. Granted, they have plenty of pervy anime (Food Wars, Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon, etc.), but Bastard was pretty over the top back when it first came out - it was almost in that same level of overt fan

Where do you live that it’s just a given that so many people are going to get arrested at a 3500 person concert? Must be quite the place...

Not to mention that plenty of states with trigger laws are seeking to make it illegal to go to another state to do it...

I’ve been there, and lower, and dug out. And years after I dug out finally started to not get turned down for every card application I put in. And unlike you, I’m not an insufferable ass to people who haven’t been able to get out of that situation, because I understand how hard it can be - and that some people are

Wow you fixated on me, and just kept writing more, huh?

Pretty sure Rob doesn’t need you white knighting him so rabidly. Chill the fuck out.

My silence was actually me being laid up in bed, having come down with covid, but if your story is true I’m not too stubborn to admit I was wrong in my assumptions. I don’t understand your opinions on people getting credit cards, with how hard it would’ve have to have been to get your own non-secured, non-student

Affluent enough. If you’ve managed to get regular credit cards, and have never had to get a secured one, you’re more well off than you assume. Hell, I was the kid of a dentist, and thanks to my fathers bankruptcy due to a business deal someone backed out of, I didn’t even get offered the student cards when I went to

Given that his response to me was that he thinks every poor person is just poor because they made bad financial decisions, I think you’re giving him a bit too much credit.