
Your utter lack of comprehension of what it’s like to be poor, and the causes of poverty, would be reason enough to drag you. Your flippant reaction to having your privilege pointed out just shows you deserve it all the more.

Congratulations on being affluent enough that you’ve never needed to apply for a secured card.

It’s not difficult to get sent an application, if you’re above a certain income threshold. Getting approved is notably harder, even for secured cards.

That doesn’t mean Rob can’t find the same cars.

In the outreach work I do, I’ve actually met several people who got denied secured cards.

Spoken like someone who’s never lived in poverty.

Mercedes Streeter, not Mercedes the car company.

No, they’re saying to get a credit card and use it for everything, because debit cards are irresponsible, and (judging by their response to me) only poors make bad financial decisions like that, because only bad financial decisions make you poor.

Given the difficulty of getting approved for credit cards, or the financial outlay required to get a secured credit card, versus just having a debit card attached to your existing bank account that requires no further validation or approval, I’d say the difference between them and you is your privilege. You should

With as many interesting cars as Mercedes has been able to find on Craigslist each day, why are you bothering to post these shitboxes? $7500 for a bland, boring, floaty, slow, thirsty couch on wheels. Yay.

First, I’ll thank you not to misgender me in the future.

Alcohol gets you drunk. Nicotine provides no high, it’s JUST a habit forming poison, pushed by an industry that has spent billions of dollars over the years to suppress reports of how bad it is for you, manipulate society into consuming more of it, and research how to make it more addictive. I’m not excusing the

I sat on a couch like that, at a rave in an old auto shop. They’re a bit awkward to sit on...

A life hack, about finding alternate ways to consume an addictive chemical that provides zero benefits to anyone that’s ever consumed it?

I mean...Johns Hopkins disagrees with you a little on vaping never having harmed anyone, but you’re on the mark that tobacco should be the major step regulators go after, before finally banning nicotine altogether.

I agree with you on every point but one. I can’t shake it off to the ignorance of youth. There isn’t a single person in western culture, beyond the age of about 10, that doesn’t know what the n word is, what it means, that it isn’t acceptable, and why it isn’t acceptable. Nobody grows up in that much of a vacuum. He

An “off-roader” with what...4 inches of ground clearance, and no room for upward travel in the wheel wells? It’s undeniably cute, but c’mon...

We really should create a memorial of all the bland, boilerplate faux-apologies that people like this give, when they get caught using language they’re so used to in casual conversation, that they feel okay using it on a public livestream without their friends even reacting much. Every single apology reads the same...

I’ve done more for gay men and lesbians than just raise a glass (and I raised a glass with the group of trans people I went to pride with, for not just Martha, but all the gay men who rioted at Stonewall). I protested for their right to marry, their right to be with their partners in the hospital, and their right not

Hey uh...for what it’s worth - it’s a GIANT douche move to deadname a trans person, especially in a public article.