
Aren’t you just ADORABLE. You came back, days later, just because you were thinking of little old me. That’s funny, because you didn’t matter at all to me, so without these notifications you never would’ve crossed my mind again. I’m flattered that you think about me so much. Pining from a far, are you?

Was YouTube too good for GMG? You had to use a proprietary media player? Did you think that would be what finally gets us to turn off our ad blockers?

These were terrrrrrrrrible. The Lumina, the Corsica, the Beretta...all of them garbage. No amount of nostalgia is worth subjecting yourself to them.

I actually posted a very in depth (ie- long) comment going over the statistics on sex offenses overall by the trans female vs cis male population in the UK. It’s worth a read, if you’re curious (and have some time to kill). Turns out cis males are sex offenders at over 3 times the rate that trans women are.

Sorry, this is going to be long, but you seem willing to have a discussion about this, so I’m hoping you read it in its entirety.

Thousands of rapes by cis men every year, and that transphobic troll posts a handful of links as if it’s a condemnation of trans women as a whole...

Whether they’re into trans women or not, you missed the actual point. Even if they aren’t, they aren’t non-assholes. They’re giant douchebags, and feel justified in punching down at trans people, because they’re disgusted with our existence.

This. I’d wager none of the people who’ve ever been shitty to me, were into me. Not the casual remarks and chuckles, not the people on Facebook calling me a bearded lady (for daring to have stubble that’s visible, even right after shaving - how dare I not be blonde, I guess), not the guy who lived down the hall from

As it turns out, the men who are raping women in restrooms aren’t bothering to dress up, or claim to be trans. Surprise, surprise, someone who doesn’t care about the laws about not raping people also doesn’t care what the sign on the door says.

As if the stereotypes of Hummer owners being self centered didn’t already write themselves...

Detroit needs a tarmac rally. It wouldn’t require repair to the roads, and any damage done to the pavement by the racers won’t be out of place with normal wear and tear...

Detroit really needs a tarmac rally event. We need to play to our strengths.

I love what you can learn from what they don’t say, in hearings like this. Like when they dodge answering a question about underwater sensors at 1:09:02.

The Trump 2024 stickers are out there. I saw a handful on the drive from Cali back to Detroit, during the week the freedom convoy was travelling to DC...

If by “timeless style” you mean “it will look ugly, no matter what year it is”, then that’s...something you can definitely say.

Honda Element. I first drove my ex’s on a road trip, and thought the seats (which were obviously designed for someone in the low to mid 5 foot range, not someone over 6 feet, such as myself) were just seriously painful because it was such a long drive. Then, I got stuck driving it when my Mini flaked out, and it even

I think what you touched on here is one of the reasons I love Valerian so much. It just says, “damn familiarity, look at this batshit crazy universe!”, and runs with it. It’s definitely a huge departure from what Hollywood typically bankrolls, though, and some of the ways it is are the reasons it didn’t do well.

With the right carrier board, the CM isn’t too much of an issue. The trouble is, even those are getting hard to come by, if the Raspberry Pi Locator site is any indication. I haven’t seen any CM models available when I checked there for a month or two. Today they have 3A+ and 4B+ models, if you don’t mind high prices,

Seriously! Only Pi I’ve been able to find this year is a 3A+. It’s nuts.

I’m a hesitant NP on this. The build is very clean and cool, but (especially because of that window sticker) the seats all need to be replaced. I’d probably want to gut the interior and redo everything but the dash. The floor mats are cute, but they don’t really go. Beyond that, the price is a little bit high,