
I mean...having a press car at Jalopnik has resulted in a higher than average number of impacts with stationary objects...

Another check it needs, in addition to the one you suggest, is “I’ve noticed a low traction situation x number of times in less than y number of minutes”, to disable FSD for the remainder of the drive. Kicking the traction control in three times within 5 minutes, or for longer than 3 seconds in one occurrence should

Exactly. Know your audience.

You’re half right. You’re right about the environmental impact, and the danger to pedestrians and bicyclists, but the entire rest of your premise falls completely flat for most major cities where there are things like, oh, winter, or where transit is, like in almost every major city in the world, utterly lacking in

Erin, seriously, this is the second time I’ve commented on an article just to call you out on this exact thing. You seriously need to learn to read a room.

Meanwhile, back in reality...

Must be nice to live in a city with real transit. Most people don’t, though...

I prefer the term “vintage”, thank you very much...

You should probably source a better image for that checklist. The current one is barely readable, even when zoomed in.

My dad sold off the Seneca in the early 90s, so I’d imagine it’s been retrofitted since then. The Arrow was what he upgraded to the Seneca from, so that was late 80s. I’d imagine both have been retrofitted since then...

You know what, I’ve never sided with Musk on this before, but this is a feature I kind of dig. It’s not like there’s a standard noise for ICE vehicles, so why define standards for sounds being played by electric ones?

Is it common to retrofit older aircraft with shoulder harnesses? I don’t recall them being in any of the planes my dad had when I was growing up (the ones I’m old enough to remember were a Cherokee Arrow, and a Seneca). I admit it raised an eyebrow reading that line in your article, because it never occurred to me

Wow, putting words in my mouth. Top notch! I’m honored that you know me well enough to know what matters to me, and why!

Honestly, it doesn’t surprise me to hear these things from the left, considering how much violence was meted out against them by law enforcement for what were, by comparison, incredibly minor and ineffective protests. At a certain point, it’s only natural to wonder, “Where’s the violence against these asshats?”

She recommended using a non-restrictive but supportive and putting the phone down...

This is the only one I managed to salvage from what Kinja shows on my discussion history. The others are readily available with a google search for “street car evaluation study”.

Like this one, where they evaluated Detroit’s Q-line, and the streetcars of 12 other major cities, and found that most of them are slower and more expensive than projected to operate, and have continually lower ridership numbers?

With as many times as streetcars have proven to be a terrible idea, it’s amazing the operators can still manage to find city planners to bribe into letting them build more of them...

A smarter system would’ve waited to go around the biker before changing lanes. It had already noticed them.

I agree wholeheartedly, which is kind of sad considering tech is what pays my bills...