
Plugs, valve covers, head gaskets, anything that happens on the side of a boxer engine. For no particular reason, they never engineer any means of access, so for a lot of repairs that might take an hour or two on an inline engine, it’s easier to pull the engine.

Speaking as someone with a considerable amount of time as a programmer: If the car is beeping to ask you to intervene, because it knows it’s about to do something that would cause a collision, you’ve already got the break point in place to intervene and tell it NOT TO HIT THE PERSON ON A BICYCLE instead of steering

Yowza! Amazing just how sketchy they were... That must’ve been terrifying

Seriously! My mom had a convertible from the generation before this one, and it was probably the only vehicle I’ve ever driven that scared me. You could get it up to where its speedo said you were doing 85mph, but the whole thing would be shaking and wobbling...

No, the Rogan Rabbit Hole started years ago. Hell, my former friend ditched me almost 2 years ago, when I was pointing out how shitty it was that Rogan was letting the Proud Boys on to have their say, without being at all critical about their views (misogyny, racism, white nationalism). Rogan has been problematic for y

Much as I’m grateful for some famous types stepping up and protesting, your generation has slipped so far from the moral high road, they’d need SpaceX to get within telescope range of it. The generation that fought against all the ills of the Vietnam era got coked up, and visited all of them upon the world gleefully,

I have a former friend who ditched me early on in covid, who had jumped gleefully down the Joe Rogan rabbit hole. I got a big smile reading your comment, imagining the apoplectic rage he’s probably seething with, over these episodes getting pulled.

That’s been puzzling me, too. Any luxury superyacht is going to be oceangoing. It seems foolish that the shipbuilder wouldn’t be at a major ocean port, or at least someplace that wouldn’t require such drastic measures to get their products to sea. It’s not like the registration hacks the super rich use, to say a boat

Fair enough. Didn’t really consider that. Still, it’s true that it doesn’t need the masts up until it gets to open water.

I hear ya... Rebel Galaxy Outlaw doesn’t live up to the others, but it’s the same style of game. Elite Dangerous is such a lame implementation of everything about flying in space. It’s really hard to play anything in that genre without going back to Freelancer. There really hasn’t been a good game like that since

They don’t even need to tow it. Any yacht this large has a motor, and a propeller. They could just cruise it past the bridge, and raise the masts at any place beyond it. This is 100% Bezos being a douche, to throw money around.

Check out Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. It’s sort of scratching that itch for me. Teeeeechnically you might still be able to play Freelancer on the Void Server. Its website says it’s still online, and it was one of the most stable, and complete mods. No idea if anyone else still plays, but the universe still has all the AI

I had such high hopes for Brink, after the teaser cinematics, and the movement demo. My imagination was preparing me for what should’ve been something like... Mirror’s Edge meets Star Wars Battlefront. I was so pissed at what we got instead.

To be honest, I’m really disappointed that the people who bought ship after ship after ship didn’t care that it isn’t playable before they handed him the money. Maybe we need an escrow system for pre-release funding, where people can buy the ships, but the company doesn’t get paid out until a majority of players deem

It’s a shame, because he really does have some great games in his past. Privateer was great. Hell, I can’t even imagine how many hours I sunk into Freelancer, and the mods that sprung up around it. If he’d just made a modern version of that game, without trying to make it “every single part of every single thing you

It’s a lot more complete now, but I put almost 20 hours into it, and I never got one mission completed, because of the bugs. CTDs, mission waypoints not triggering, my ship continuing on its way in space but leaving me behind...I stopped playing it at all, because I was so pissed off that I was burning through money

They started out with Roberts saying he wanted to make the game he always wanted to, when he made Privateer and Freelancer. Then, he fell into literally the same trap the Greg Broussard did, with Duke Nukem Forever. New tech seemed fun and shiny, new features sounded neat, he can’t accept that he’s made a mistake in

I backed it back then, too, and just kinda forgot about that because I turned off emails from RSI (back when it was still RSI), because I was tired of hearing about updates for a game I couldn’t even download yet. Tried it for the first time last year. Holy cow was it an unplayable mess. My friends who play say it’s

You know, there are other things on Tony’s menu, besides the bacon... giant plates of pasta, giant plates of eggs, giant plates of steak, giant plates of...well, you get it...