
I’m so sorry. If I were you, I’d be looking for a job that doesn’t need me to wait until retirement to move back north...

It’s bittersweet to be moving back. Things went pretty bad out in Cali to lead me back to the D, but there’s just so much I’m looking forward to. The food, the venues, the wilderness, the water, having ethnic food that isn’t only mexican, having real weather again...SNOW... Fuck I miss snow...

Having owned an EJ251, a couple EJ253s, and an FB20...I kinda wish I still had the EJ, even with the head gasket issues. My Crosstrek has earned the nickname of “the gutless wonder”. I’d rather swap to MLS gaskets on the first change, than just constantly wish for more horsepower...

You missed the EJ22, and the Frankenstein mod of putting the EJ22 heads (along with some ECU and wiring hacks) on an EJ25 for higher compression and horsepower.

I feel you completely on that. It’s weird how jarring it was to not even notice fall. There are only 2 trees with leaves to lose (the rest are palm trees) anywhere near me, and they didn’t start that until around New Years. I spent most of the fall and winter indoors, avoiding the heat. I’m moving back to Detroit next

I’m in Riverside, so yeah...the armpit of SoCal. Either way, outside of Mammoth, I haven’t seen any place in Cali with weather that’d make me happy to call it “winter”. I’ve just accepted that if I don’t want to pay California prices, I’m going to be flying to the mountains when I want to play in the snow, but I can

You moved away from Detroit when it was still in its worst state since ‘67, and don’t seem to have adapted your view of the city since then. I moved to Riverside from Detroit this past April, and I feel far less safe here than I ever did anywhere in Detroit (and I partied regularly in Cass Corridor, Del Ray, and all

You have no idea how jealous I am of that snow you got. I wish I was already back in Michigan for Landon’s arrival. California weather has been so dreadfully boring.

Funny thing...I moved to California last April, and it’s weather like that, that’s one of the top reasons I’m moving back to Detroit next month. There’s weather. No variety. Sometimes there may be a breeze, but in nearly a year here I’ve only seen it rain twice, and it’s been in the 60s and 70s in the

I witnessed people who RP’ed things like schools. I must admit, I don’t get the appeal. Would you indulge my curiosity? I can’t help but wonder what is so compelling about pretending to sit through classes, and partake in other activities that most people would consider incredibly mundane. I suppose I understand in

It hasn’t gotten any better. An ex of mine was hooked on it, because it allowed her to be a misanthrope in the real world, and still feel like she had a life (which is why I always say Second Life is for people without a first one). The “RP” is...super suspect. I’ve never seen people so sold on their own stories.

Subaru would like a word with you...

Uh... Second Life has less than 40,000 concurrent users most of the time, worldwide. That’s anything but “crazy high” amounts of users. Even with that low a user count, the client and servers are constantly slow and crashing. It’s as slow and buggy a codebase as I’ve ever seen out of a “game”, and I’ve been a backer of

No, I’d still say it about more lifelike avatars. It’s not the presentation, it’s the concept. This is essentially discord with higher system requirements, with a little of second life sprinkled in. If people want to be social, Discord is the platform of choice for non-text communications. Now, board games and games

He won’t bite. It won’t fit in his back yard.

Joe has been letting insane and horrible people on his show for the longest time, under the guise of everyone getting a fair voice (despite never seeming to give genuinely good people a voice). The problem is, he never stopped to consider that when you invite in people you know are saying horrible things (eg- Nazis,

Of COURSE! Taxes were too high for us to have any money to fix this bridge! We should cut taxes, so we can afford it!

Cue the Qanons saying this was a false flag to gain acceptance of his spending plan in 3...2...1...

My comparisons to Second Life and VR Chat were deliberate, because of what happened when the public was turned loose on them. Second Life got Something Awful users invading with flying penii, VR chat got racist kids and Ugandan Knucles everywhere. In the end, the latter become pointless, and the former was let go by

I mean exactly what Dr Bob said. When I think of VR Chat, I think of 12 year olds shouting racist stuff, and Ugandan Knuckles. Just like when I think Second Life (other than chuckling at the memory of realizing that no one that plays Second Life has a first one), I think of the Something Awful Flying Penii invasion.