

There’s plenty of things in VR worth developing, we’ve just shown that avatar based chat isn’t one of them. I’d rather have Johnny Mnemonic style VR, than a bunch of legless bodies, or people using furry avatars, spouting an entire room’s worth of babble at me - and I suspect at least for now that’s the opinion of the

Didn’t we already realize Second Life was a bad idea? Or VR Chat? How many companies are going to try this same experiment, hoping it’ll yield different results?

I have fond memories of my Mongoose FS-1 as a kid. First generation of freestyle BMX bikes, back in the 80s. MASSIVELY heavy compared to today’s equivalents, but more sturdy than most modern mountain bikes...

Walmart sells Mongoose too, and they’re just as bad as the Schwinns they sell. None of the old names mean anything, anymore...

Gee...that’s sure gonna make people shell out a thousand dollars for a basic cruiser.

Ye flipping Gods, can he not though? I feel like he’s single handedly dumbing down the entire staff writing for Jalopnik...

If it makes even one person give up the game, and stop posting those stupid colored blocks on Facebook, I’m all for it...

Haven’t seen what the poor and working class have for home ownership options without wiping out student loan debt, eh? Haven’t maybe taken a look to see what the housing market is like? Perhaps glanced at the sort of housing the tiny fraction of the poor and working class that can afford to own a home can afford,

It says they were en route to a lab. Do we know if they’d already been experimented on elsewhere? I feel like knowing things like that should be an important thing for people to be told. Too many movies start with lab animals getting loose, and science going haywire on the general public...

Of all the things I miss about Michigan, since I moved to California, I didn’t think car washes would be one of them. I’d just sort of taken touchless car washes for granted, until I got here. I honestly didn’t think the old spinny brush kind with the plastic bristles that fucks up your clearcoat still existed. I

You know you’ve overreached, when a town in rural Alabama wants federal oversight...

I bought a TNG mini-phaser prop at a con back in the 90s. Same construction, though I think it may have been pine instead of balsa.

So...they’re both women with red hair. That makes them the same? That’s a pretty shallow glossing over of physical details (even their hair styles are different, not to mention build and outfits), and a reduction of two completely different women into equivalence solely based on what they look like.

Aesthetically, wheels and tires make one of the biggest impacts on the look of a car.

The lack of shoulders in NJ is the worst. One car gets it wrong, and the whole freeway turns into a pinball cascade, because there’s no room to dodge...

I’d put it pretty close to what it’s like driving on California freeways, but there’s less room to avoid accidents. People drive just as badly, though...

The concept of this article is fine (it’s essentially transportation related), but this was poor execution, and in bad taste.

It’s MLK Jr day. I’ll cut anyone slack for not working today. This sort of slide to trashy articles is awful though. I blame Torch for starting it, with his taillight fetish.

I clicked the link to the article from the “You may also like” links at the top right of the page, because the headline was so asinine that I had to see if it was one of Torch’s articles. I’m honestly more than a little disappointed that Jalopnik has an ever growing list of writers that are willing to write this sort