
My ex had to deal with this all the time in California. When they did show up, they’d leave her waiting for the ride home at the doctor’s office for 6+ hours after her appointment was done, and when they didn’t, the drivers would file notes saying she was the no-show, or she gave them the wrong address (the addresses

You see, Erin, the sort of anger you’ve sparked in your readership is exactly what the Times was trying to avoid when they let you go. This article could’ve had 2 sentences removed or reworded, it would’ve conveyed the same story, and no one would’ve been upset. You need to consider how much you’re writing your own

Charlatans building cars designed by scammers? What could go wrong with that?

Perhaps Alpha can sell their designs to Alfa...

I really wish this company wasn’t a total scam, because I’d love to drive one of their designs. It’s a damn shame they’ll never come to market...

Likewise. I’ve been waiting since the pandemic started, for someone to come up with a cool, and protective mask.

For anyone not appalled by the joke on principle, his telling of the Aristrocrats is probably a pretty fitting thing to watch. Can’t say I’d post it here, because who knows how badly I’d get punished, but a recording of a YouTube video of it is on YouTube. It’s...legendary.

Having owned, and paid far too much over the years for repeated repairs on a VW and a few Subarus, I nominate Honda or Toyota for the task instead.

Agreed, but none of that precludes the same happening with any other system or component.

Something went wrong, and Amtrak handled it poorly? Perish the thought! They never drop the ball when it comes to screwing their customers over!

No, no. That was the Gobots, not the Transformers...

Pretty sure Takata showed us pretty elegantly why having a single supplier with an important bit in need of a recall is a Bad Thing(tm). Imagine every single 4 cylinder car sold in 2025 needing a recall to have the engine torn down and rebuilt, or worse, completely replaced to address a fundamental design flaw.

I sent a friend and clan request

I’d definitely like to connect to play a dungeon or two. I’m in PST for the next month or so until I move, and I’m available evenings and weekends, too...

It wasn’t the first time it’s dumped me into something after a break. The appearance of the pyramid did the same thing (I forget what that was for). I usually don’t hop into Destiny for a long session, so having it force me into an event of indeterminate length just isn’t gonna make me play their way. Quite the

I had the game do this to me after coming back from a break, and luckily noticed I could just exit the game to get out of it. Next time I loaded it up, it just took me to the director as usual. It was absolutely not fun emptying all of my (very powerful before my break) weapons into basic baddies, only to have them do

Probably my sketchiest, was one where I was the sketchy one (and got paid back karmically for it). I’ve told the story of my 2000 1.8T Beetle here before (Cliff’s notes: I bought one Beetle for the price of two, after repairs!). The day I managed to offload it was priceless. I was in Ann Arbor, driving back from a

Isn’t this story like...a decade old?

Subscription ABS. I’d imagine subscription brakes in general would be impossible, but having to pay extra for ABS could probably make it to market on a performance model - and it’d be deadly awful.

Has anyone picked the yellow one next to the blue offroader for more scrutiny? The super sporty ones look neat, and I do like this microbox thing, but that one is low key the hot one of the group.