
Really wanted to like this vacuum. I bought one the last time you recommended it. Plugged it in, hit the switch, and it promptly blew itself up, and the fuse for the 12v outlet it was plugged into. Got the replacement. Same thing at both ends. I don’t believe in coincidences like that.

Really wanted to like this vacuum. I bought one the last time you recommended it. Plugged it in, hit the switch, and

Wow I had no idea there was a Record of Lodoss War game coming out! I wish I didn’t suck at that entire genre. I totally loved that anime (still have the VHS boxed set), and I’d love to play the game...

Too right. My bad.

Is that thunder chicken offset to the driver’s side? I’m not usually picky about that stuff, but for some reason it’s making me twitch...

The path of god is a trick of perspective, but it still has a massive flaw: dust. Unless the knight has a pretty unlimited supply of brooms, keeping it from being visible from the buildup of dust over the centuries would be pretty much impossible...

Does anyone know how they ensure the new trajectory won’t be hazardous? I asked on a post from NASA, and got no response...

I’m not sure the youngs can answer that question accurately for us olds. They told me Celeste was a really chill game with a great narrative about anxiety, and I never made it past the 4th screen or so,because I was already in my 30s when Super Meat Boy came out...

So I’m stubborn. I’m glad that helped you get your rocks off with a completely pointless comment. Go you.

I backed both SC and Mechwarrior Online. MWO finally started delivering on the promises that hooked backers, and apparently did them well - though I lost interest in it long before it did. SC did such a piss poor job of delivering on any of them, that I’d be happier if it had 1/10 the features, and they spent all this

There are plenty of things that you could do, if the game would let you. The bugs are so game breaking (missions not triggering on waypoints, crashes to desktop, your ship leaving you floating in space while it continues on its merry way, more crashes to desktop, your ship not accepting control inputs, more crashes to

No, I’m looking at them and wanting them to be playable, and while playing to not have them spoil the fun pretending that hundreds or thousands of years in the future we wouldn’t have created a landing system that doesn’t require us to do everything manually. If ED had a “land” button, I wouldn’t have a single

You’ve got to run something like 10 missions to afford the docking computer. Meanwhile, every time you dock you have to figure out which way it wants you pointed, and deal with that nonsense - all because nobody stopped during development and said, “Hey, these docking turntables can spin all the way around. Why would

Y’know what? I actually liked Redmayne’s performance in the Danish Girl. I say that as a trans woman. He’s totally right, that trans voices need to be included when making trans content, but he honestly put in a very thoughtful effort into the role.

7 Days to Die is a bad comparison, because it’s actually playable. Project Zomboid is more apt, because it’s still so broken they were having to do things like completely disable multiplayer modes as recently as this spring. I’ve tried to play SC. I’ve put something like 65 hours into it. In that time, I haven’t been

Honestly, it depends on your definition of “playable”. There’s an FPS interface to get your around stations and planets and insides of ships and such, and there’s flying in spaceships with all the requisite shooty and trading bits you’d expect from a game trying to be WC: Privateer, but none of it works. I’ve put

Yep. It’ll immediately make the comparisons to Duke Nukem Forever even more apropos.

I paid for both, and played both, and won’t touch either. SC is too buggy to consider the least bit playable, and E:D is such a UX atrocity that its developers should be tried at the Hague.

I really, really wanted to like E:D, but it abuses its players so much in the name of claiming realism about things that don’t exist, and will never exist in as painful a manner as the game claims, that I couldn’t bring myself to put more than 10 hours into it - despite this being my absolute favorite genre of game eve

Having thrown money at it aaaages ago, and then throwing more at it more recently to actually try to play it, stop. Just stop. You’re making excuses for something that doesn’t deserve them. It’s Duke Nukem Forever in space. Maybe your “org” is okay with the sheer insanity of spending all night trying to get one

I’m a little sad that these are mostly mainstream releases. Where’s the B grade shlock? No Cherry 2000? No Turbo Kid? No Circuitry Man? You wanna talk moves that are bad, but still manage to be awesome...