
It’s quite alright, thank you for looking for answers! It’s the shortened form of “cisgender, heterosexual”. That is, someone whose gender identity aligns with the sex they were assigned at birth, and whose sexuality is considered straight.

I did watch it (honestly, I could’ve just read the transcript if I didn’t accept what everyone I know and trust was saying about it, but I’m enough of a bitch to be so fed up with everyone saying I can’t have an opinion without watching it, that I’d put myself through intentionally getting bullied just so the

Honestly? Let them. Six months of edgelords wailing and gnashing their teeth kills fewer trans people than his special remaining online, and being seen as acceptable material in today’s culture.

Judging by the hate I’ve gotten for daring to speak out against Chapelle, as a trans woman, that is exactly what they’re upset about. They want to pretend they’re okay with trans people, but they also want us to be quiet, and keep ourselves unseen when it comes to perpetuating hateful mindsets. 

More than 100 years, for sure. And any time I see or hear someone being shitty to black people, I’ve got your back - always have (I’m very much a child of my parents, who marched as allies with Dr King, and Grace Boggs). Hell, I chose my current job specifically because it’s working at a company that directly addresses

Are you or any of your friends trans? Because I am, and “humanized” isn’t on the list of things I felt about what he said, after watching it.

You’re biracial and you don’t get how hate speech can hurt? I have no knowledge of what races your heritage is comprised of, but having seen enough people called “coconut”, “oreo”, “banana”, “Uncle Tom”, and so on from the non-white side of their bi-racial background, plus knowing the racism I’ve seen from white

Thank you for this comment, it made me laugh after wading through the toxicity of the people who responded to mine. Such ignorance of hate from a self-identified bi-racial person - which puts him in the crosshairs from bigots on both sides of their racial makeup (plus white bigots, in case neither side of their racial

The assertion that promoting hate speech culturally causes no real harm ignores the 1930s-1940s in Europe, and most of American history, but go ahead and feign ignorance, it really makes you sound edgy and cool.

Not that he’ll read it, but to continue what I was saying:

Sadly, it isn’t safe to ignore them. The permanent damage to my left eye is evidence of that.

I can’t be racist, I’ve got a black friend!”

I accept and respect your philosophy in handling people with no impact on your life, but you should spend half an hour reading up on what it means to be transgender. It’s not a problem, it’s just something we are, like how some people are gay, or left handed. It’s just something genes do sometimes. You came across as

You should read the flood of notifications I got overnight on this. The balance on the comments swayed a fair bit...

Clearly. My first hand experience must have zero bearing to my comprehension of the issue, compared to a white cishet dude who watched some nonsense on Netflix. So sorry, I’ll just quit rocking the boat and wait for my chance to be added to the list for the Transgender Day of Remembrance.

Considering there’s no matchmaking for dungeons, none of them are even remotely doable single player, and I don’t have a squad of a bunch of people who play regularly enough to bother even trying one, I guess I’m gonna just sorta stop playing Destiny 2, as more content rotates out and gets locked behind a paywall...

As a trans woman who’s been put in the hospital and harassed incessantly by people who feel emboldened by exactly the sort of rhetoric Chapelle and Rowling spew (and that’s just this year, and in California of all places), I’m sure the comments on this post are going to just be lovely. I can’t wait to have some white,

Ah yes, the Chevy Corvette Coupe. They were okay, I guess, but I’ve always been more a fan of the Chevy Corvette Sedan.............

I had to double check when I went to comment. The camper company was founded 2 years before the Cybertruck was shown off for the first time. :)

So I’ve been baffled at the design of this, but I finally figured it out a couple days ago!