
With those knobs being that prominent, I really wish they had customizable functions, rather than things so...trivial.

Heck, I can’t even find my own comments here anymore, no less the replies...

When 10,000 people say getting punched in the face sucks, I don’t have to get punched in the face to accept that. Given Chapelle’s track record, and the avalanche of people pointing out what’s problematic in this special, your whole “but did you watch it!??!?!?!!!1111oneeleven” crap is just that. Crap.

I wanna say I like the price, but... Used bro-preferred performance vehicle. I’d run from this, just like I would a used WRX. Absolutely guaranteed to have been ragged on, even if the fluids and belts were kept up...

To be honest, I’m not sure, but I strongly suspect it will have “Alfa Romeo” on the badge.

How do the dozens, possibly hundreds (or more) of gay people who were murdered for their sexuality (even in recent years) feel about your assumption that everything is peachy for gay people since the era of Murphy and Pryor? How do you think they feel about the support and “validity” those comedians perpetuated in

Except Chapelle openly and flatly says he’s a TERF, no? That’s literally admitting you’re transphobic. Transphobia is the entire reason TERFs exist, and it is their entire platform.

I wonder how many people in these comments defending Chapelle would’ve fought equally as strong for Kramer after his racist tirade on stage...

They’re never part of the marginalized group they’re defending punching down at...

Chapelle actually did a sketch about being a black white supremacist. It was cringey, but I could see how it could be funny to some people.

TERFs believe that the existence of trans women is an affront on feminism, and that we’re all just men, predatorily usurping their ability to exist. They quite literally would prefer we don’t exist. Most of them won’t go so far as to say we should be killed (though quite a lot of them will), but in what other way

Thank you.

What’s worse, the chrome is different colors... Silver chrome, with gold “vents”? That’s like wearing brown shoes with a black suit...

This thing may have been a decent car (were they? it’s so bland I never looked into these), but there are so many stylistic atrocities on this, that I could never bring myself to spend a penny, no less $13,800 and fees for a 10 year old version of GM’s take on a Camry. Even if it was in its factory state, this is

Any chance this section would include stuff like Jalop writers competing in rallycross, or does “off-road” only mean “crawling” to you?

NP for someone brave or rich enough. Sadly (fortunately?), that’s not me.

It’s not that Facebook doesn’t identify hateful content, it’s that they allow it - actively in many cases. I’ve reported so many transphobic posts, including one that said (this is a direct quote), “We should just start gunning down trannies in the street.” I reported it, and was told it didn’t violate community

Now playing

It always makes me cringe when someone steps up to talk about how them getting wildly lucky in a crash in a car this old somehow means they’ll be just fine for anyone in a crash...

Meanwhile, watch the crash tests, which at 30mph say your skull should’ve been crushed at 65. The latter of these is even on a newer,

What’s not to love? For anyone that’s ever been in this generation Escort...well...EVERYTHING. These were miserable to drive, uncomfortable, constantly smelled of cheap plastic, and the crumple zone was your legs and FACE.

I wanna NP it, I really do. It’s very well done. The price just sits a few (like 8 or more) grand too high for my liking.